Where is East?

Reply Fri 27 Mar, 2020 11:39 pm
What the **** does Ramses alone have to do with it and tobacco was found in his stomach/hair! The tests confirmed the tobacco was smoked while they were alive.

You are so stupid you act like if it was not in Ramses then it was not in the other mummies...

Your depth perception is that of an infant.

And you use that depth perception to assess historical truth? You imagine yourself an expert in your field of fantasy and racist agendas.

"The Pre-Colombians never had graven images!" Yes, you in your vast knowledge of history said that.

I on the other hand do not consider myself an expert and I am quite capable of being wrong and openly admit that.

That is the difference between humility and chutzpah.
Reply Sat 28 Mar, 2020 08:09 am
Go **** yourself, you moron. I explained that in the specfic case of the pyramids in what is now Ecuador, they did not do grave images on their monumental architecture. The French did not say they found tobacco in his stomach. Why don't you come up with a source every once in while, you arrogant clown?
Reply Sat 28 Mar, 2020 08:22 am
This is from the source Izzy provided:

This result was interpreted by theorists and supporters of contacts between pre-Columbian people and ancient Egyptians, as a proof for their claims. The findings are controversial because while other researchers have also detected the presence of cocaine and nicotine in Egyptian mummies, two successive analysis on other groups of Egyptian mummies and human remains, failed to fully reproduce Balabanova's results, positive results only for nicotine/

(Emphasis added)


The same argument can be applied to nicotine but, in addition, various plants other than tobacco are a source of nicotine and two of these, Withania somnifera and Apium graveolens, were known and used by ancient Egyptians.

It is precisely because you don't have sufficient formal education that you get taken in by crap like that ancient aliens site you once used (and which you did not cite, or admit to--I found it by a literal word search). Then you sneer and rage at me because I understand how rigorous research works. You do the predictable way all fanatics do. You come up with some crackpot thesis, and then you wander around in the gutter press (and these days, the internet gutters) looking for confirmation of what you have already decided to believe. Then you make hateful remarks to me just because I don't fall in line with your moronic lunacy.

You have shown not a scarp of evidence for your wild-ass theory that religion was transported from Meso-America to either Egypt or Mesopotamia. You have provided no evidence that tobacco was found in the stomach of Ramses II. Hilariously, you claim it had been smoked! So, are you saying he lit up a big stogie, and then at some point, he swallowed the cigar butt? You crack me up.
Reply Sat 28 Mar, 2020 10:44 am
TheCobbler wrote:

I on the other hand do not consider myself an expert and I am quite capable of being wrong and openly admit that.

You never admitted being wrong when you called British Tories republicans. Even when I pointed out they were monarchists you still argued the toss.
Reply Sat 28 Mar, 2020 11:04 am
izzythepush wrote:

You never admitted being wrong when you called British Tories republicans. Even when I pointed out they were monarchists you still argued the toss.

He probably meant that they are fiscal conservatives. Why nitpick fights over overlapping terminologies?
Reply Sat 28 Mar, 2020 11:38 pm
Izzy is too brain dead to see that her Tories are right in step with our Russian loving Republicans.

Izzy, I never conceded that I was wrong because I still do not believe I am wrong.

PM accused of cover-up over report on Russian meddling in UK politics

Tory ideology behind attacks on our schools

Tories set up 'Labour manifesto' website to attack Corbyn's plans

Britons Gear Up to Defend NHS From Privatization Scheme as Tories Win Strong Majority in UK Election

Tory deputy chair attacks MPs over Northern Ireland abortion law
(playing games with women's rights?)

Tory MP's aide cleared of raping woman in Houses of Parliament
(wasn't Jack The Ripper allegedly a Tory?)

The Tories say austerity is over: this budget will prove it isn’t

And our republicans think we have a have a monarch too!

When your Tories do one thing that is indicative of our democratic party then please, by all means, let us know...

Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 12:05 am
Who said I don't have formal education?
I am just not so arrogant to cling to outdated theories as gospel truth. I don't cling to modern theories as truth either. I cling merely to science, curiosity, an open mind and wonder.

I did not come up with any of these theories,
I read about them and I am here simply to discuss them. But not to have your arrogance shoved down my throat.

It is you who comes in with insult, presupposition, audacity and higher than thou, my **** don't stink attitude.

You are like talking with a 3 year old, prone to tantrums and outbursts of aggression. Go take a nap or some Ritalin.

It was found in the stomach because they reached onto the stomach with a long needle the obtain cell specimens that were less likely to have been have been contaminated.

Apparently you never studied microbiology. And hair sample were also taken, not only once, rechecked with today's most advanced tests.

Go argue with the scientists I am merely a vehicle of their findings.

But your arrogance speaks volumes of your shoddy approach to history and facts. Your conclusions were taken right out of your ass.

"An examination in the 1970s of the mummy of Ramesses II revealed fragments of tobacco leaves in its abdomen."

Ramesses was the pharaoh most responsible for erasing the Amarna period from history. He, more than any other pharaoh, sought deliberately to deface the Amarna monuments and change the nature of the religious structure and the structure of the priesthood, in order to try to bring it back to where it had been prior to the reign of Akhenaten.

Microscopic inspection of the roots of Ramesses II's hair revealed that the king may have been a redhead, and thus carried the MC1R gene indicating a familial link to Ilfeni of the 18th Dynasty.

Ramses II Ozymandias Usermaatre Setepenre Ramses b. about -1303 d. 27 June -1213
Traces of coca and nicotine found in some Egyptian mummies have led some to speculate that Ancient Egyptians may have traveled to the New World. The initial discovery was made by a German toxicologist, Svetlana Balabanova, after examining the mummy of a female priestess called Henut Taui (Henuttawy). Follow-up tests of the hair shaft, performed to rule out contamination, gave the same results. The significance of these finds lies in the fact that both coca and tobacco plants are indigenous to the Americas and thought not to have existed in Africa until sometime after the voyages of Columbus. An examination of Pharaoh Ramesses II, Henuttawi's father, revealed the same findings... tobacco remnants in his abdomen.

An examination of Pharaoh Ramesses II, Henuttawi's father, revealed the same findings... tobacco remnants in his abdomen.

Just in case you did not read this.

You know Google is your friend and your "formal education" and a nickle will often get you a bad cup of coffee... especially with that shitty attitude of yours.
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 12:14 am
Now that is the true you.

A hot headed, fast to draw erroneous conclusions that contains no real sum and substance whatsoever.

Reading your posts are like trying to read broken glass...

You do know that the French are not the only country with modern bio labs...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 12:24 am
New Study Refutes Theory of How Humans Populated North America

“The bottom line is that even though the physical corridor was open by 13,000 years ago, it was several hundred years before it was possible to use it,” Willerslev says. “That means that the first people entering what is now the U.S., Central and South America must have taken a different route. Whether you believe these people were Clovis, or someone else, they simply could not have come through the corridor, as long claimed.”

“There is compelling evidence that Clovis was preceded by an earlier and possibly separate population, but either way, the first people to reach the Americas in Ice-Age times would have found the corridor itself impassable,” adds study co-author David Meltzer, an archaeologist at Southern Methodist University.

While later groups may have used the passageway across the land bridge between Siberia and Alaska, the study’s authors say the first humans in North America likely migrated along the Pacific coast, although it is still not known exactly how.

“The route taken by first humans coming to America is still unknown, but much evidence points to the Pacific coast,” says study co-author Mikkel Winther Pedersen, a Ph.D. student at the Centre for GeoGenetics at the University of Copenhagen. “If this is the case, we could be looking at humans who adapted to survive by exploiting the marine resources, whether by boat or from sea-ice. They could have had a subsistence resembling what Inuits have had.”

It is amazing how sure people are of things for numbers of years that turn out to be wrong.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 12:59 am
You are certainly given to extravagant statements for which you have no evidence. You quote a source for tobacco leaves being found in Ramses abdomen, while earlier, you claimed the tobacco had been smoked--your source does not support such a claim. Your idiotic "comments" are purely speculative, yet it appears that you expect readres here to lend them credence. Of course, you resort to hateful, insulting remarks, which reveals who you really are. It seems that you react to criticism or contradiction with childish rage, and your true character comes out with the insults and the name-calling. Are you aware that the Egyptians removed the internal organs, and then placed them back in the abdominal cavity in the process of "mummification?" If you really did have formal education, it doesn't seem to have taken. See if you can respond without the petulant, puerile insults.

None of this constitutes evidence for the witless contention that religion, or religious tenets were "exported" from Meso-America to Egypt and Mesopotamia. You have a tenancy to wander away from the topic under discussion, so I thought I'd remind you.
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 04:16 am
Like I said, wrong and you still don't understand why you're wrong.

It's fitting that Livinglava now does your talking for you.

And you've wasted your time posting a load of links about how British Tory policies are similar to those of American Republicans. Nobody is disputing that.

The problem is your inability to understand basic English.

Learn to pronounce
(of a form of government, constitution, etc.) belonging to or characteristic of a republic.
"a republican government"
(in the US) supporting the Republican Party.
an advocate of republican government.
"in the old days, the argument between radical-reform monarchists and the straight republicans was academic"
(in the US) a member or supporter of the Republican Party.

The definition has a bit in brackets for people like you. Those definitions are true only in America.

Now I understand that you lack the wherewithal to appreciate that a word can have more than one meaning. Your knowledge of Geography is similarly lacking. This whole thread is about your inability to understand directions.

The UK is outside of the US.

Most right wingers over here support the monarchy that makes them monarchists, the opposite of republicans.

You're too stupid to appreciate when you get things wrong which is why you won't admit to it.

It's also why you spout such bollocks all the time.
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 05:40 am
RR/TheCobbler's source above is a page at a Ukrainian wiki-site, which has zero citations for scientific findings. He babbled on about the French not being the only ones with "biolabs," (I have no idea what he thinks that means)--as though the Egyptian Department of Antiquities were run like a lending library. You just go in, check out the mummy of Ramses II, and then take it home and cut it up. When the remains were flown to France, one French scientist found tobacco in the cerements. Saying as much ruined her career. Egyptologists are certainly a conservative bunch, and like all academics, tend to protect the narrative upon which they have built their careers.

None of this drivel about cocaine mummies, however, provides the least support for RR's claim about religion in Egypt and the middle east having been imported from Meso-America.
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 05:46 am
I suspect Cobbler surrounds himself with people who've learnt not to disagree with him.

We just see him on A2K, imagine having to deal with something like that on a daily basis.

No wonder people just pat him on the head and tell him he's an awfully clever fellow, saves a lot of hassle.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 05:50 am
I'd believe that.
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 05:53 am
I've known so many people like that, those who believe that in order to win an argument they just have to shout louder.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 11:41 am
Set, I really don't know if they use tobacco as a suppository..
What exactly the hell is your problem?

Go give someone else a rotten day.

I don't care what the **** you believe, you are a radical troll who has nothing better to do that try and push your racist agenda to sooth your low self-esteem.

You have been on ignore since before you started again in this post. You cannot converse without your vitriol and piss-sour foul attitude, I will be taking a break from reading your crap.

Go educate someone else of your intellectual and genetic superiority.

Maybe they drank the tobacco in an unction. What the **** to you know or really care for that matter?

You have no evidence either, just rhetoric and you go on with certainty regarding matters that we may never know that true answer to. You are like a wet blanked on speculation that frankly, deserves some honest consideration. Well maybe it was contamination, or Ramses did not use cocaine like, in the face of the tests, where is YOUR proof?

This back and forth is futile and a waste of good brainpower.

I will continue to post in this thread without reading your tiresome and hateful responses, ending with this one.

Enjoy your mad and insane rampage. I have better things to do with my time.
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 11:49 am
Izzy, you have been on ignore with Set too and shall remain there.

I don't care what the **** you call these people, they have the same EXACT political agendas. You are too stupid to get that point across and again I don't have to time to regurgitate your nit-picking nonsense.

I will post here without giving your replies any notice or consideration also.

It is folly to be wise with fools...

You voted down the post where I clearly laid out the parallel agendas.

Your blissful ignorance is disgusting.
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 11:57 am
It’s Not Just Boris and Trump. British Political Parties Are Starting to Look More American.

Go throw your bucket of poo at politico.com

Maybe your nonsense will stick there.

You can lead a horse to water...
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 12:21 pm
Which doesn't change the fact that most right wingers are monarchists.

You really don't understand English do you?

It's like you're on some quest to prove you're a bloody idiot.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Mar, 2020 12:55 pm
You've trotted out that "on ignore" bullsh*t before. Nevertheless, you continue your shower of sneers and insults. That speaks volumes about what you really have ton contribute.
0 Replies

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