Where is East?

Reply Mon 18 May, 2020 12:08 pm
Psalm 147:4 (KJV)
He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.
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Reply Tue 19 May, 2020 03:00 am

Let's get back to this.

Our riddle of the sphinx needs some background.

For this we need to go back to the beginning.

For this is the main meaning of the sphinx is, the beginning or the seed of time (I will explain this).

What is a riddle but a cypher, zero, zera, from šurrû "To begin" (zoroaster the seed of language/knowledge) the beginning...

In order to begin the ancients felt they needed to first explain the blaring fact that there is death in this world.

So they related sin with death.

Original sin...

And the curse on death was a seed that would be born of woman and bruise the head of the serpent.

This idea is much older than the the Hebrew scriptures but there is no real way of knowing how old the Hebrew oral traditions go back. It seems likely the serpent curse and promise of a coming seed (messiah) is borrowed from the Sumerians.


The Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans all have messiah myths.

Eve in the Bible even proclaimed that she had given birth to the "promised seed" and it later turned out, she gave birth to the first murderer, Cain.

Pharaohs, Caesars, popes and many kings from India, China and all over the Middle East and northern and southern Europe all claimed to be this seed promised in most cultures from as far back as Sumeria who would come and save the world from original sin and "death". Jesus being no exception.

This is why this promised seed in the main subject of the zodiac.

Virgo, the woman who gives birth to this seed...

Virgo/Tishri the first month of the Jewish New Year.

The birth of the king.

So Virgo represents the king because she will produce him and bring him him forth.

So the constellation of Virgo in the the sky in the tabernacle of the sun; the sun rises in Virgo.

But... which constellation is before Virgo?

Virgo represents the head a man who will be born of her.

The constellation of Leo precedes Virgo in the tabernacle zodiac.

Leo is the body of a lion and Virgo is the head of a man. There is the riddle of the sphinx (a man).

This is why the sphinx faces east towards the sunrise...
Reply Tue 19 May, 2020 12:03 pm
Some more background...

Long before male patriarchs ruled the ancients, female deities occupied the top spot in the many ancient pantheons "godhead".

This is why female fertility cults predate the male cults of the Hebrews, Greeks, Egyptians and Sumerians etc...

This was all because of the prophecy from the beginning of time stating that a women would bring forth the promised seed (the mother of God).

Virgo is the first constellation of the new year because, without Virgo, there can be no promised seed.

So these fertility cults rose to such prominence that the power wielded from them eclipsed that of many monarchs, much like pope's have held sway over monarchs.

The earliest sphinx ever found was in a burial tomb of an Egyptian queen,
This sphinx had the head of a woman (Virgo).

But as the patriarchs and monarchs vied for the power over the fertility cults, they waged war on them and replaced the head of the woman on the sphinx with that of the monarch.

For it was to be understood that it was not the mother of God that should be venerated but the progeny of this woman. (This gave rise to the patriarchal power of monarchs as Gods.)

This was a power struggle that lead to the male dominated pantheon that is prevalent today in these religions both poly and monotheistic.

This has helped to obscure the meaning of the sphinx also and cloud the connection to the constellation of Leo and Virgo as related to the sphinx.

Here in this battle of the sexes there is presented a dilemma.

Do we worship the mother of the seed or the seed itself?

The answer is that both are required. Both are saviors of the world and one cannot obtain redemption without the other.

Gnosis is knowledge, but it is knowledge that leads to the receiving of spirit...

The spirit is vitally dependent upon knowledge. One cannot obtain the spirit without knowledge. The factions (cults) of the spirit and the factions (cults) of gnosis will forever be at odds as they do not readily understand that it is the union of knowledge and spirit that produces a new creature or creation.

Colossians 1:9 (KJV)
For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge (gnosis) of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;

The mother of God is also the mother of spiritual knowledge.

Spirit requires knowledge just as the promised seed requires the woman to give it birth...

Ephesians 4:3 (KJV)
Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
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Reply Tue 19 May, 2020 12:11 pm
I heard that Oedipus correctly answered the riddle of the Sphinx en route from Thebes to Delphi.

What creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at midday and three in the evening?

The answer is man, babies crawl on all fours in the morning of life, then they walk on two and finally in the evening of life they use a stick so three legs.

Btw, have you ever been to Glastonbury?

I think you’d love it. Not the festival, although you’d probably like that too, but the town in Somerset.
Reply Tue 19 May, 2020 12:52 pm
I would love to travel....

Maybe someday if I become wealthy and it becomes safe to travel.

I would love to visit Glastonbury, it sounds very nice!

The ancient knowledge of the sphinx was lost due to the patriarchs that vied for power over the fertility cults.

The answer to the sphinx riddle passed from from woman to man.

I am not certain what the Greeks knew and when this ancient knowledge became obscured over time.

What is interesting that even though the knowledge became obscured to most here on earth, the heavens (tabernacle of the sun/zodiac) still bore witness to this idea.

Revelations 12 (KJV)
1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

"The woman is the constellation Virgo.

Clothed with the sun means that, from Earth, we see the sun “in the house of” Virgo, so it’s September. The moon under her feet is where the moon is on that day, just below Virgo. This particular formation occurs every year."

Matthew 2:1 (KJV)
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

Comment: I would love to visit to England very much Izzy!
My great grandfather was born in London. Smile
Reply Tue 19 May, 2020 01:29 pm
There’s lots of stuff in Glastonbury, Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea and King Arthur all have a connection, there’s a real mix of religions and new age thinking.
Reply Tue 19 May, 2020 01:54 pm
Hmm, just the kind of stuff that fascinates me. Smile
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Reply Thu 21 May, 2020 11:29 pm
Next, I will talk about the book of Enoch...

Many people attribute this time to alien contact, but it is not likely the case.

What we see are several factions, religious groups and "guilds" for a lack of a better word.

First, let's go back to hunter gatherers.

Early humans were hunters because animals were plentiful.

In fact, they were so plentiful that they became a huge impediment to civilization evolving into societies. Humans lived in tribes for thousands of years fighting for their very survival..

The overpopulated animals lived and hunted humans in packs and were so great in numbers that humans could not establish roots.

As humans became more plentiful there became more human hunters and the animal population began to lessen until humans could get a foothold on building and working with tools long enough to create stones that they could use to build walls that would hold out the wild animals. Humans moved out of caves and into cities and this increased their lifespan.

Imagine hundreds of thousand of lions and wolves etc... always fighting together.

This constant need for survival helped humans evolve in cunning and problem solving.

As the animal population reduced through mass hunting and perhaps environmental factors, this is why cities suddenly emerged.

This is why Nimrod was called "the mighty hunter" and this was also why he was called "the fortifier". Apparently these two attributes were why they gave him the title of the first "hero" or "zero" (the beginning). The first cities emerged out of this tumultuous time.

But what of Enoch? (I will get to that)

Angels, sons of man and watchers?

What does this all mean?

Well, there were cults at this time. People belonged to cults before there were cities. The cities brought them all together but before that, they lived in clusters with their own kind, or rather, those who followed the same cult.

One of, if not the first cult, was the creation cult. They believed in one thing, in observing the creation, venerating the creation by observing the stars, the animals and the herbs of the fields. They were watchers and namers.

When they were not hunting they were watching and learning and gathering information taught to them by the earth, sun and the stars.

They believed in evolution and that everything came from the dust of the ground and was formed into the things they observed and watched.

They believed in life and harmony, the sun that they measured with their stones they dragged into place and the waters that fell from the firmament and the spirits that formed all thing into living breathing beings. They named the stars and they tamed the animals and they named the herbs and trees of the field.

The earth was paradise to them and their spoken language was living, un-contrived and pure.

Yet, over time they sensed a lack of discord in nature and sought a way to explain it.

In doing so they opened "Pandora's box" that would sent in motion the second cult. The cult of fertility.

This second cult comprised of women... These women congregated together and they were considered sacred. Holy women who were sanctified by this prophecy of a coming redeemer/seed that would set the world right again.

These fertile women were all potential vessels for this holy redeemer. But soon, these woman became the objects of worship and idolatry. They became a great power unto themselves, not unlike the creation cult. These women had the divine providence of God.

They were not regular women... regular woman lived with the creation cult and bore regular children.

But the women of this fertility cult they bore powerful males that had the influence and support of this fertility cult behind them. You could call them, "made men".

The watchers cult did what they did best... they watched these women.
Eventually the watchers cohabited with these women and the offspring had both the creation cult and the fertility cult behind them. This made the offspring giants... Not physical giants but giants in spiritual stature and perception. King of kings...

Much like when kings of different kingdoms would give their daughters to marry other monarchs.

This all may seem trivial but that is the way all ancient cultures and their myths record the humble beginning of humanity. Once you peel away all of the space ships and alien technology that has been injected by modern theorists, this is what is left.

I hope this clarifies some of the background of the story of Enoch and the world he tries to reveal.

This religious joining of the creation cult and the fertility cult is what began the first cities.

One might consider that these cults in joining together were leaving something behind.... Monotheism.
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Reply Fri 22 May, 2020 09:38 am
More on this story...

The creation cult at first simply observed and did not try and make any doctrine or sense of what they saw. They simply observed and created an oral tradition of the knowledge that they observed. Like a tree of knowledge but the knowledge was simply observations.

Then at one point the creation cult began to wonder about why evil was in the world and why bad things happened to good people. They contrived.

This marked a drastic change in the cult.

It became hypothesized that the reason why bad things happened was because "the creator" needed to be satiated.

So we have Cain and Abel's (probably much earlier) offering to this god to please this god.

Over time it became reasoned again these "sacrifices" to god would one day no longer be necessary because a man would be born of woman who would set the cosmos right again.

This legitimized the necessity of the fertility cult.

As for the animals... Humanity may not have been keen enough to eradicate the animals through hunting alone. Now, many of the caves that humans used to shelter from animals, their entrances were high in the cliffs. Hence, cave drawings of animals... Fire was perhaps used to keep animals away from the cave entrance.

If there was a catastrophic flood, it would have eradicated a very large population of the animals. This is why the fixation of Noah/Gilgamesh and the flood as is associated with animals. This also may have been the respite needed for humanity to crawl out of the caves and join together for cities.

The unity of the cults would have provided a stable social fabric to facilitate a central government and rulership.

They would have brought their knowledge obtained from watching, their knowledge gained from atonement to the "gods" and their fertility cult awaiting a promised seed.

This would have been a time when language became confused and contrived.

This would have been a time when the new unified religion encapsulating all of the cults would have been devised.

Astronomy merged with religion to created the zodiac.

Temples were built to venerate the multi-faceted new religion, many deities were venerated and the myths that surrounded them were joined into polytheistic tapestry of understanding and identity.

One wonders, if the watchers had simply just kept on observing and naming things... Maybe the world might have become civilized in a different and perhaps less superstitious way.

Many years of sacrifice and barbaric practices to please a blood hungry god might have been avoided and humanity might have had a more productive and ethical beginning.

It would seem that sacrifice was not only a way to appease god but also was a way for priests to consolidate wealth for their own use. Not unlike the consolidation of wealth in mega churches today.

It seems this time displays the gullibility of humans to leave behind a simple existence for a contorted and unnatural religion. This religion eventually led to subjugation and slavery to powerful entities created to control them though fear and sin consciousness. Laws were made to subjugate people even further. One may argue these laws were necessary, but with the law something was lost. People were no longer good on their own volition and because they were naturally inclined to be good, they were good because it was dictated and decreed. Paradise lost...
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Reply Fri 22 May, 2020 11:56 am
Speaking of displaying gullibility . . .
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Reply Fri 22 May, 2020 01:13 pm
I started out a lot of this discussion (monologue) talking about how god can be subjective or objective.

Well, which god was the god of the creator cult and which god was of the fertility cult?

Was the god of the creator cult subjective or objective?

The god of the creator cult was subjective.

...and, the god of the fertility cult was objective.

I will give some time for you to contemplate this.
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Reply Fri 22 May, 2020 01:21 pm
Don't hold your breath . . .
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Reply Fri 22 May, 2020 07:27 pm
In thinking about this creation cult and this fertility cult, it is not a stretch to compare them with the tree of life and the tree of knowledge; knowledge of creation and life in relation to fertility.

One must also consider that "god" did not say that Adam and Eve could not touch the fruit of the tree of knowledge.

It was Eve who said touching it was forbidden. Eve also said they could eat of all of the trees of the garden, that was not quite true either...

God only said that eating the fruit was forbidden. It seems eating the fruit is linked to how one interprets knowledge and the conclusions drawn from knowledge. The consuming of knowledge and the digestion thereof. Where knowledge become internalized rather than externalized. And a person becomes venerated for the level of knowledge they have consumed.

It is one thing to observe and revere knowledge and it is another to represent knowledge. Knowledge seemed to morph into something different. (Darkness was upon the face of the deep.)

And at what point did Adam and Eve realize they were naked?

Well, it seems as sexist cults on their own they had little problem with nakedness but when they cohabited, that was when their nakedness became evident.

One being a male dominated cult and one being a female dominated cult nakedness seems more like a locker room until they became joined. Perhaps it had disastrous effects on keeping order in the cults.

But once both cults began to merge then nakedness seemed to present a problem.

As for the subjective and objective nature of both systems.

With the knowledge cult, god is outside looking in, and with the fertility cult, god is inside looking out.

When god is outside of creation, all of creation becomes the objects of worship.

When god is inside of creation it is more susceptible to worship the thing god occupies.

Both cults were susceptible to idolatry.

Perhaps that is what eating the fruit represents. The point at which the veneration of god becomes self-centered; where god is brought down to an earthly level.

In polytheism, the worship of creation and the worship of humanity are clearly present.

While in the earliest forms it seems the creator was venerated and the life giver was venerated.

To become objects of worship creates a social element that perhaps being naked was not a suitable public fashion for a deity. (The emperor is naked type of thing.)

It was probably okay for a shaman to consume copious amounts of drugs and go into a half possessed naked state of ecstasy, but the king and queen probably could not pull this off as well, in public that is.

They were supposed to represent something sacred...

So this is where the two faces of Janus come in.

The two faces often represent seeing back and seeing ahead, but it can also represent deception. A public face and a hidden face.

Misdirection, corruption.

This can lead to, "falling towers"...
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Reply Fri 22 May, 2020 08:03 pm
I would like to make something clear...

I am not saying that "god" exists outside or inside of creation. I am also not saying god does not exist. I don't know, and prefer to keep it that way.

I would like to remark that many people do believe in god in many forms.

To such a degree as to become fanatic and all consumed by this belief.

And many do use the two faces of Janus to hide their deception that they are using religion to conceal a secretive agenda.

They see religion as their meal ticket to climb the social ladder.

A get rich scheme, they are clothed in deception and they themselves and others might be appalled by their true nakedness.

Hypocrites and sheep's clothing sort of thing. Once the charade is peeled away and the apostasy is revealed, the lack of anything resembling true faith vanishes away.

Knowledge is often used for nefarious purposes.

It is sad our world has this inherent design.

Free will is often coerced and contorted by the selfish motives of the heart.

I did not make life this way, it just is, so don't blame the messenger.

I can only be the best I can be and what others do that is up to them.

The past is a way to understand the present and to direct the future.

We all choose our own path when we are given knowledge and life.

It is what we do with it that determines who we are...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 May, 2020 12:04 am
East of Eden...

It seems that a "translation" occurred.

Where one way of life was exchanged for another.

What is translation?

Translation is across, not up and down. Trans is like transportation, transcontinental, transpire (trans spirit) ...

Translation of languages also goes across from one language horizontally to another.

Translation differs from receiving a new language altogether. A new language might come from above like the Ten Commandments or Hammurabi laws (or, from below)... Word of God, Logos ("in the beginning was the word...")

So to travel east is to travel across.

This is why paradise is always a place on earth.

So one cannot be translated to heaven because translate means across.

So one way of life was translated into another and this is the meaning of east of Eden.

The purpose of this translation was so it could conceal the past.

To move to a different state is to move away from another.

To both reveal and to hide. To put on a new face and remove an old face.

East always designates truth but was this really truth they were being translated to?

Enoch was translated from death, what does this mean?

Parallel universes?
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Reply Sun 24 May, 2020 12:19 am
Genesis 3:24
So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.


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Reply Sun 24 May, 2020 09:59 am
Why trees?

The trees in Eden (and older myths), these could have been stars instead, they could have been pillars, mountains, other landmarks like rivers, herbs, standing stones and a myriad of equally tantalizing objects.

Why were trees used to represent knowledge and life?
Reply Sun 24 May, 2020 01:20 pm
Well they do have branches and limbs and roots. Those spread out and into further knowledge, interconnected knowledge and the same holds true with life. There is also the bending, swaying flexibility of trees, which is found in life and living through different things.

Your turn, why are trees representative of courage and strength?
Reply Sun 24 May, 2020 02:38 pm
Very good Sturgis, you pretty much nailed it.

Trees have an outward appearance, this is what we see first.

So with knowledge we first observe the beauty of the tree but a vital part of the tree is hidden within the root system. This signifies hidden knowledge and the occult, mysteries and the origin of knowledge (Gnosis).

As with the tree of life we see the outward product of life and over time we learn of people's heritage and their roots, also, life is often good until it requires fixing, and this is were medicine and "magic" are derived from the root system of life.

These tree allegories can be expanded greatly to everything from the beginnings of alchemy to modern physics, chemistry, the periodic table of elements and sub atomic particles which are the root system of all that is physical.

Magic and science, the power of words to heal and inflict hurt, to the unconscious mind that resides just below the surface of what we call reality and illustrious enlightenment. The branches reach towards the light and the roots burrow deep into darkness of the unknown.

Mud is often used as a healing catalyst for it represents the source of life.

The spirit, a force of life that is theorized to be even closer than our breath.

Once again, it is what we do with knowledge and life that defines who we are.

What changed back then?

What is eluded to with leaving Eden?

What of the tree of life? What is no longer in reach?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 May, 2020 12:15 am
Genesis 3:24
So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

I was taught that this flaming sword meant that Adam and Eve would live their life a given number of years and eventually die.

But this does not make sense.

We all know that Adam and Eve were not the first humans some 6000 years ago.

Humans existed long before then and death was in the world and has been in the world for millions of year perhaps since the beginning of the big bang.

It is foolish to suppose otherwise.

Metals rust, things corrupt, food goes bad, bread gets stale and wine turn rank like vinegar over time....

This is not something new.

This verse must be talking about something else.

To "keep" the way of the tree of life.

What is the way of the tree of life?

How is it kept and why was it not kept before then?

The tree of life can represent many things, what exactly is this referring to?

Why keep the way, is it being frozen in time, or guarded, or altered so it cannot be changed?

It would seem that the tree of life is DNA...

Was this the end of evolution?

What is this verse talking about?

Is it spiritual death? Did Adam and Eve die spiritually?

Did this change the way spirit was administered?

Did magic die? Did words and incants before then carry more weight with God?

Was the way of life some form of innocence, lost? The ways of shamans and tribal priests? Did this mark the end of prehistory and the beginning civilization?

Did humanity really become like Gods? Or was this just a lie to entice them into disobedience?

There is certainly a riddle held within this conundrum.

To keep the way is not the same thing as to block the way?

And why must it be a flaming sword that turns in every direction; north south east and west?

Like a weather vane spinning in the wind.

It this tree of life something on the atomic level?

Is it the atom? It is alchemy? Is it fusion or fission?

Is light somehow involved in this process?

E=mc2... matter is energy.

It would seem that "keeping" the way is old English and it means blocking the way. But keeping can mean many things and it really requires further study of the Hebrew word behind the English word "keeping".

Some sort of sin was carried out by "both" Adam and Eve and the tree of life needed to be "kept away" it seems after that.

This all seem like there is something under the surface that is not clear.

A serpent in a tree.

To keep the way of the tree of life may be to protect an ancient order by depicting it within the stars.

Perhaps understanding this requires both the tree of life and the tree of knowledge.

For spirit does require knowledge in order for spirit to be perceived.

Spirit is the tree of life. The image of God, written in the stars, the sun, cherubims, angels...

Any suggestions on this are welcome. Smile
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