Thu 10 Mar, 2005 10:13 am
Please delet this thread
If I'm understanding this game correctly...
#2 "scrap" could be "ort" and could be changed into a legal term by adding "t" to make "tort"
Is that how it's played?
#9 - subatomic particle = "atom" (which really isn't subatomic though), change the "m" to "p" for the preposition "atop".
That's the best I could do on that one so far.
11. (f)oot > moot
7. cave > crave
Can a letter only be added or subtracted, or is it possible to replace a letter with another?
This may be stretching the word progenitor a bit but how about:
A progenitor turns into a dolt
chimp = chump
You can only add or subtract a letter, not change a letter to another.
So we have 2 and 7 right?
I can't get this puzzle off of my mind!
I think you're probably right on 3 and 6 but I'm not sure how "crank" relates to a turn of speech. I get the turn part, so maybe...
First I considered "orb" for sphere but when I looked the work up it dealt more with area or realm so now I'm working from that angle.
What do you know!
It does work. I've never heard crank used that way before.
This is a very tricky puzzle. Where did you come across it?
I found that "sphere" appears in the definition of "cover" as in a pot lid.
Perhaps 1 could be cover/clover?
I couldn't find "mot" in this dictionary and it seems pretty comprehensive:
And the clue calls for THE END of a unit of measurement which makes me think -grams, -meter, -volts, -watts
In subatomic particles there is a type of quark called a "top", you could turn it into a prepositon with an "a" for "atop".
But there are other units of measure, non technical I guess. A hand is a unit of measure and the end could be a finger, thumb or a bone in either.