Fat Shaming? Your opinion?

Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 04:06 am

I have been reading one interesting article about (my beloved internet coach) Charles Poliquin, the Strength Sensei, and fat shaming issue he was facing 2 years ago.

I would like to ask local users... what do you think about fat shaming? Is it morally correct to ridicule on fat or obese people? What we are allowed to tell such individuals regarding their health? Are we even able to criticize them?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 8 • Views: 1,209 • Replies: 31

Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 06:26 am
What we are allowed to tell such individuals regarding their health?
Whatever you might tell them will be something they already know much better than you. So shut up and attend to yourself.
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 06:34 am
It would be better to inform and educate obese people then to shame them. Obesity is extremely common in America now, an actual epidemic caused by poor diet and a poor intestinal microbiome. The role of microbiome, which is the intestinal bacteria and other microorganisms, is thought to play a role not only in obesity and diabetes, but in autism, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's disease.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 06:47 am
agree. Also very much gree with other diseases caused by wong microbiome... There are interesting researches going on...

However, it does not take a genius to feel than when you eat entire cake for lunch you are not doing it right Smile . Plus Charles Poliquin educates people all the time... His self-issued title "one of the best in the world" is well deserved, IMO. I personally follow his advice and it does work.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 07:20 am
Sugar is addictive as much as cocaine is. Does it help to shame a drug addict or an alcoholic or cigarette smoker? The American public has been indoctrinated through the mass media and the food industry supported by the federal government with its guidelines, and it's going to take a massive campaign effort against the resistance of the food industry, which financially supports the government through his campaign finance donations, to educate the people and turn their diets around.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 07:24 am
Oh FFS many obese people:
  • Don't eat an entire cake for lunch, ever. Lots of them - surprise! - eat the same as thinner people.
  • Are 100% aware that they are not at optimal weight. They don't need anyone to tell them that.
  • Are also completely aware of what the current nutritional guidelines are and - surprise! - many are following them.
  • Exercise - and often a lot. See: https://www.supertracker.usda.gov/bwp/index.html for how much exercise is really needed.
  • Drink water - and often a lot.
  • Are doing something about their weight and really don't need to be told they're doing something they are already doing.
  • Get ridiculed when they go to a gym or go out running.
  • Are tired of self-righteous types telling them what to do with their lives.

Want to know why there's more obesity?
  • People are living longer. Older people, in general, have lower caloric needs. Eat the same as you did 20 years ago when you maintained, and suddenly you're gaining.
  • There's less smoking, particularly in America. Smoking is an appetite suppressant and it's a stimulant. I am NOT advocating smoking one iota. What I am saying, though, is the increase in ex-smokers and never-smokers means the weight suppression from smoking isn't happening as much.
  • Portion sizes, particularly in the US, are HUGE. Oftentimes, a restaurant meal comes on not a plate, but what used to be used as a platter, not 10 years ago.
  • Social pressures exist which equate celebrations and good times, dates and meetings, to food.
  • In a lot of the US, driving is the only way to get anything done. Drive to work, to school, to run errands, etc. A child shouldn't be walking to school if the neighborhood is bad. An adult can't walk to work if work is over an hour away by car.
  • Also in a lot of the US, public transportation is nonexistent or it's a joke. I live in a city where there are bike lanes and you can rent a bike (but not a helmet), but a lot of the Midwest in particular has nothing like that.
  • Gym is gone from schools in a lot of places.
  • And cafeteria lunches have been sold to the highest bidder, which are industrial conglomerates that really don't give a damn if kids are gaining weight so long as they make a profit. When I went to public school (class of '79), the food was made fresh daily and most of it was acquired locally. Those days are as gone as bell bottoms.
  • Over twelve percent of Americans are disabled. So they are getting by as they can, and that probably doesn't mean the same kind of exercise you think everyone should be getting. Those folks are also a lot more visible these days.
  • Folks with diabetes live longer and weight can be an issue for them.
  • Many drugs which treat depression make people lethargic and pack on the pounds. Those people are more visible these days.
  • There are a lot of people who medicate themselves with food and/or alcohol rather than get mental health assistance, either because they feel ashamed getting it or it's not really available in their area, or insurance doesn't cover it.

Shaming people doesn't do ****. It's just an excuse to bully people. Fat shaming is little more than prejudice, dressed up as concern trolling.

PS - because the OP doesn't know - I have been 346 pounds and I also lost and got down to 166 and am currently at 259 and losing again. Having three medial meniscus tears and sciatica means I don't run a dozen 5Ks per year, which I did only 6 years ago.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 07:36 am
Does it help to shame a drug addict or an alcoholic or cigarette smoker?

Hahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA! This was actually exactly why I started this topic and wanted to get there after a while! Many people bashed me like a sorry dog for drinking alcohol! Very Happy I wanted to see reaction of same people about obesity! Very Happy


The American public has been indoctrinated through the mass media and the food industry supported by the federal government with its guidelines, and it's going to take a massive campaign effort against the resistance of the food industry, which financially supports the government through his campaign finance donations, to educate the people and turn their diets around.

Absolutely. Yop, we have a decades of corporate campaigns crewing our perception of sugars and fat... But then I repeat myself: it does not take a genius to google Charles Poliquin and learn from him, not from a cornflake box Smile

Sugar is addictive as much as cocaine is.

Disagree. Give it a month, withdrawal symptoms will fade almost entirely. If you are otherwise healthy.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 07:46 am
uuuh... I am just gonna correct some severe mistakes, but don't ake me wrong, I am not here to argue. Just discuss:

Lots of them - surprise! - eat the same as thinner people.
Are also completely aware of what the current nutritional guidelines are and - surprise! - many are following them.
Exercise - and often a lot.

If this was true as you say there is no problem with obesity. If you REALLY followed what you write and still no result, than you have severe metabolic damage, but I don't think this is the case of most people. From what I observe their "case" is soda as a drink and cake as dessert Smile . Simple as that. Give it enough otherwise healthy nutrients and boom - your insulin turn all into fat, despite of your 3 hours attempt for eating healthy and occasional excercise...

I am not arguing, I am stating sheer facts.

As for the rest, I mean no disrespect, but that is all rubbish.

here is all what is needed:

- Minimum carbs. Less than 100 grams a day.
- NO sugar.
- A LOT of good meat (lean chicken, beef, tuna fish...)
- Good oils - fish, olives, nuts... - this is your source of energy, not carbs.
- vegetable for vitamins and good digestive system
- RIGHT exercises. Don't bash Charles Poliquin, listen to him. He explains much too well what right exercise is.
- Enough sleep.
- And naturally, avoid alcohol, drugs, cigarettes,...

Lady, if you will follow these advices EXACTLY and you are NOT loosing fat, I am giving you my (non existent Very Happy ) salary!!! It simply works. It is simple as that. But it HURTS. And you must NOT cheat it.

Virtually that is all Smile

Get ridiculed when they go to a gym or go out running.

They are terrible douches and shame on them. If person has enough courage to go to the Gym to fight the fat, there is no bigger shame than ridicule at such person.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 07:54 am
I hope you are not upset Smile I am very directive but I mean it not bad. Because, this is not a discussion. You can't "talk" your body into any rules. It has its own and whether you like them or not, you WILL follow them. End of the discussion Very Happy

Love and peace! Smile
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 08:26 am
We can provide information to other people. Things like:


Without knowing anyone's personal medical/health status, we should be cautious when judging them.

Shaming them? well some people do it but it's not smart.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 08:29 am
coluber2001 wrote:
The American public has been indoctrinated through the mass media and the food industry supported by the federal government with its guidelines

in Canada they're not allowed to advertise cigarettes/medications due to the addiction issues. alcohol advertising is also very tightly controlled. i.e. they're no longer allowed to sponsor cultural/sporting events here
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 08:39 am
I agree very much. I will just add I would be cautious about link as you provided because we don't know who wrote it. And this is precisely why people should follow Charles instead of bashing him, he is the expert working with other experts and has least chance of giving you wrong information. Most of anonymous sites like this are usually simple ad revenue hunt...
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 09:28 am
There are many sites reviewing the carbs in alcohol. Pick your own. I think it is useful to for people who are tracking their carbs to have that information. Similarly, people who follow vegan diets need to know which alcohols to avoid, and people who have diabetes need to know which alcohols are most dangerous for them.

Your random Charlie is as meaningful to me as any other random Charlie.

You can provide information you think is useful and others can choose to ignore it - in the same way you can choose to ignore information others offer to you. Generally speaking, if not interested in others input, it's best not to request it.


Bottom line - do not fat shame or slut shame or otherwise shame other people unless you want your ass handed back to you. Offering information in a supportive, non-judgmental way is one thing, judging and shaming is something else entirely.


Funny thing eh - judge not, lest ye be judged.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 10:00 am
My Random Charlie might not be much Random as other Charlies simply because of content he produces Smile . I would recommend to check his site by yourself. I I can give you a guidance in evaluating web content - search for references to valid studies, links, authors, year of publishing and institutions. Just sayin Smile

Ok, I understand what you mean about decency...



It is fact that fat people are unhealthy and it is their fault. I agree telling somebody this to his eyes is rude. But... making a joke on internet... only SJW could argue about that Smile . It is like Indians pooping in holes, Africans being hungry, Brazilians having carnivals and making huehue noises... Simply, they asked for it, they deserve it.

Speaking of which. I just think Smile . Making fun of anonymous fat people is no worse than making fun on any other anonymou people ad not wrong at all. Society should mock self harming behavior, not accept it, just "because some people might feel bad". And others will be scared not to become these people and will take steps for it. And that is a good thing Smile
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 10:43 am
Panoramix wrote:
It is fact that fat people are unhealthy and it is their fault.

neither of those things are a fact

perhaps they have an endocrine disorder - that is not their fault anymore than having different blood types can be a fault

fat doesn't necessarily mean unhealthy - that is from an old belief system, just as BMI have been found to be wrong AND meaningless - science has moved on
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 10:46 am
Panoramix wrote:
no worse than making fun on any other anonymou people ad not wrong at all. Society should mock self harming behavior


it's open season on mocking you for your self-harming behaviour

bravo for being so open to it +++ and in fact encouraging it

I'll keep it in mind for when I return from the pool.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 10:58 am
it's open season on mocking you for your self-harming behaviour

bravo for being so open to it +++ and in fact encouraging it

I'll keep it in mind for when I return from the pool.

Hahaha! Hahahah! Good, very good! I must say you almost impressed me! Very Happy I really like that, you have some potential in you! Very Happy

Anyway, I was talking rather about making fun of anonymous person, not particular one. Posting pics of marshmallow people on internet - good. Ridiculing on somebody on this forum for being fat - not good.

But yes, you are very close Very Happy . Promoting alcohol and sugar diet as bad for person, for society? Right approach. Making mockery of particular person to his eyes for that? Rude.

People bashed charles not for laughing to someones eyes, but for making fun of fat in general. And that is a good thing. just like this:


Very Happy

Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 11:49 am
As I told you, I've lost a ton of weight. And yeah, it came back when I was injured.

BTW, women and men lose weight differently. A LOT differently. We are hard-wired to have more fat on us. One size does not fit all.

I do follow what you listed. Yes, I really do. Yet the pounds don't - oh my God - melt off in a week.

Because I've been obese before. Because my thyroid sucks. Because I have injuries.

Those are facts. Like 'em or not.

There are also a lot of folks who love the concept of a strict equation, e. g. eat x amount of calories (in some ratio or another) and boom, suddenly the weight falls off.

Except it doesn't work that way, particularly when you've done the weight loss dance before. See, every time you do the weight loss dance, guess what? Your metabolism slows down. Again and again. Don't believe me? Then believe experts at the NIH:

Oh, and another thing. If you're seeing people eating cake etc (and BTW, you've already backed off from your claim of a whole cake for lunch) then hey, that happens. I don't deny that it does. I have been around people watching their weight for years, and you know what many of them eat? Salad. Plain baked potatoes. Chicken breast with the skin off. Cottage cheese and yogurt. Fruit and vegetables. Do they eat poorly at times? Yes, of course they do -- as does everyone else. But you're not seeing them like I am, like people in dieting groups see each other and how I see my own family, I might add.
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 02:24 pm
It's flat out wrong to ridicule anyone. This includes people that you deem overweight and out of shape.

My mother was cursed by excessive pounds for years. She tried all sorts of diets, they rarely worked and if they did, it was temporary. She ate properly most of the time (special occasions such as a birthday being an exception). We never had dessert after a meal, neither were there cakes, pies or cookies for us to eat. She ate what we ate. She had an underactive thyroid which contributed to her difficulty. Her metabolic functions were not nice to her.

As for physical shape, she walked almost everywhere. We learned early on to walk places and a 5 mile trek was common. When being generous, she allowed bus or subway fare to ride in one direction (to or from a place) for anything under 5 miles. If it was a mile or less, then it was a walk. We had no car.

One thing I still recall is an incident when I was 16 or 17, thereabouts. A young girl mocked my mother and told her she was fat and out of shape. My mother sat on the floor and proceeded to do several sit-ups. She stood and touched the floor with the palm of her hands. The snotty girl was clearly embarrassed!

The point here is, you have no idea why a person may be what you think of as being overweight. So shut your yap! If they want help, they will likely ask, until then, just be their friend.
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2018 02:56 pm
Panoramix wrote:
making fun of fat in general. And that is a good thing.


no it's not

it's plain old rude


I understand that you live in a different culture with different standards. Things are acceptable where you are that are not acceptable in North America and other English-speaking parts of the world.

You need to work through that much of what you suggest is acceptable where you are is not acceptable in much of the English-speaking world.

You've been posting here long enough not to get a pass anymore.

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