No, I am not. Most of users from 9gag, Reddit etc, for instance, are from EU, CA, US etc.. And these places are typical birthplace of fat jokes and so. I think is it you and your rigid "I know better, I am better" point of view. And also "I came from better culture".
Say, am I really that weird? We cannot joke about fat people, because it might touch some people feelings. But we cannot joke about policeman for the same reason. Or blondes. Or elderly. Or kids. Or anyone anytime whatsoever. We are bunch of white rose sissies who feel offended all the time and need protection in "safe spaces" from internet, males, white people, hetero, etc etc etc... nicely done.
Today I have posted same things (about my love status) in loveshack forum., Not a single comment of type "you are alcoholic and you need clinical help". Not a single one. I never insulted anyone here, I just stated that is is not healthy to think of people this way and for that I was accused ridiculing users and insulting them...
I never insulted anyone but now I am going to: Honestly, I just think you are a bunch of bitter, depressed elders with too much time on your hands and too little direction or meaning in life. Bored worthless fool.
And now I feel like a fool too I ever took you seriously. But than, in my culture we do value elderly and their opinion but as I can see, in your culture it might be a mistake. I returned here for a single reason that I believed I might find some wisdom in elderly community. And I found junk.
Ban me, I don't care. I am leaving you alone with your misery.