Lash wrote:Do the results have to be equal, dag?
And, 07s-- Are you currently in India? If you have current information, I have a few questions. India is said to be making gains with the US outsourcing of technology jobs, and due to India investing in communications infrastructure.
How would you characterize India's economy and employment?
Do you see the improvements we're hearing about?
Is there a tangible improvement?
Always wondered why India seems to produce such technologically-gifted people.
Do you have any opinions or information regarding any of this? Have any ideas why Western schools fail so miserably, while India's (among others) excel?
can i take the liberty of hazarding a few answers (notice not guesses) ??
india is gaining with the usa outsourcing jobs yes. usa/ us companies are saving a lot of money though - in the same way american companies save a lot of money by getting blue collar workers in south east asia to work in sweat shops. of course, the tech jobs are white collar jobs, with decent pay and not done in sweat shops but in regular offfices. the only guy at the losing end of the whole outsourcing move is the american guy who's job is send to india.
how do i characterise india's economy and do i see improvements ??
- world 2nd fastest growing economy, fourth largest in size. by 2010, india will overtake china to become the world's fastest growing economy. the only economy in the world that theoritically has a chance of growing a more than 5% year after year till the year 2050 - by which time it will be the 3rd biggest if not the 2nd biggest economy of the world, with a "middle class" (basic house, food, shelter, clothing, schooling, medicine, personal vehicle) about twice as big as population of usa today !!
tangible improvement? yes, in the lives of the middle class. india is a service sector economy, through and thorough. if you are qualified in india, a plush life is yours for the taking. if you are blue collar, religion may come in handy. if you are business class or extremely capable (top doctor, scientist, lawyer, ceo) than you live with the standards of your japaneese or western counterparts.
always wandered ?- keep wondering. we are called "people of the book" -
this link may help uyou understand why math/science/technical stuff is not just in our blood but genes as well -
i dont know whether western schools fail miserably or not but i do know indiand suceed brilliantly in the west - so much so that they are the most qualified and the highest earning community in usa.
silicon valleey is 1/3rd indian as are nasa scientists. you could try going to the website of the science/math dept. of any which top college in usa - and will find more than its fair share of indians. we produce as many engineers as afghanistan produces jehadis and then some.
the computer you use most likely runs on a pentium - invented by an indian called Vinod Dham, at intel corp.
have a nice day.