Wed 23 Feb, 2005 02:23 pm
So i want to set up a terraruim with these two animals... can i do it? will they mix well? anyone know? anyone?
i do! i do!
you can PM me for a great how to list..
or i can put it here in this thread..
either way
post it here so others can learn as well
ok. let me go get my books so i can post facts along with my experience ....
i will write in a minute
do you already have these animals??
or are you looking to buy them?
1-2 newts are fine together. They need ALOT of space though. If you are going to have 2, make sure and get no less then a 25 gallon tank. more if you can but the minimal space needed is 25 gallons. Make sure they have alot of small hiding spaces and some things floating on top so they can get out of the water.
They need a water heater set about 75 deg. all the time,
a water filter that creates motion in the water.
They breathe through thier skin so clean water is essential to thier survival. Dont touch them unless it is under water because the oils from our skin will clog thier skin and they will suffocate.
As for frogs in the tank with them..... I dont see anywhere that says DONT do it, but i see alot of warnings about having diffrent species with newts. They are very territorial and will eat anything that sits still long enough. Fish are welcomed in a newt tank since they can not catch them. But I dont see anything about a frog.
Newts digest thier food VERY SLOWLY and need 3 days to completely digest each meal. They need protien rich foods such as blood worms once every 2-3 days. Get a turkey baster to feed them with so you minimize your contact with thier water. Put a drop of food in the SAME place every feeding day. When they are done clean up the left overfood immediatly. the left over food breaks down quickly and leaves the water dirty.. and back to the clean water rule, they wont be able to breathe.
Get a seperate turkey baster to use to suck up thier droppings also. It makes it easier to keep thier tank clean that way.
ALWAYS have a cover on your newt tank. They DO CLIMB and can survive for a while outside of the water. They are escape artists so be careful.
Live plants are essential to the water quality. Look up some plants that you like and make sure that the environment you are providing for the newts matches the water plants. Bananna plants are great in newt tanks. Small rough rocks in a small place in the tank is a necessity also. Newts need to shed constantly and they need rocks to rub off the old skin.
... hmm.... OH!
NEVER, EVER use spray cleaners in the same room as your newt tanks. Lysol, things like that are off limits. The chemical will find its way into the water and it will kill them.
i cant think of anything else.. unless you have a question
no think thats good enough.. thank you very much
Hmm another point i forgot about,
newts are easily scared into ' heart attacks' . Stress is a huge factor in the deaths of newts.
My friend of 20 years has MANY newts and has been raising and sometimes successfully breeding them for years. ( this is how iget alot of my info )
one thing that happens when they are brought home from a store is the scenery changes scare the crap out of them/ A good thing to do is get a cover or one of those scenery peices for your tank. Cover one side or put them up against a wall so they dont have to see movement all the time in ther tank. It gives them a sence of security and a place to hide.
as i think of other things i will post them here but those are the basics that will help you get started
right right... already knew that little tid bit and planned on doing it. i have had newts before (though i was a lot younger and didnt take as good of care as i should have) thats why im asking for advice on it now. I want to make a terrarrium and i want to have newts and grogs and a little pond for fish... i want it to look cool but i want to make sure everything will co-habitat.