Thu 24 May, 2018 05:29 am
In a four handed two team game of euchre there are 24 cards: A, K, Q, J, 10, 9 for each of four suits.
The Jack of the suit (right bower) that is called trumps is highest. The Jack of the same colour is the second highest trump, followed by A,K,Q,10,9. One card is turned up after dealing and three remain hidden. Players take turns to call trumps if they choose to.
If a player calls trumps with three trumps and has the lead at the outset of a hand does the best mathematical expectation of winning three or more tricks out of five result from leading a trump or from leading offsuit?
What three trumps do you have that caused you to order it up?
I'm in first seat after the dealer. Everyone passed on the turned up suit and I called spades with K, Q, 9 and off suit A, 10 hearts.
I welcome your thoughts on this but I am looking for an answer to the original more broadly based question in terms of the expectation.
Weak hand. I would have passed.
The mathematical expectation for that hand , or one comprised of the three lowest cards Q,10,9 with A,10 off suit in first seat is a win, in my opinion.
Do you play online?
Quote:I'm in first seat after the dealer. Everyone passed on the turned up suit and I called spades with K, Q, 9 and off suit A, 10 hearts.
I lead 9 spades. The most likely outcome is that the other players and the buried pile has one each of 10, A. left bower, right bower of spades trumps. First trick is probably lost, i'm the only one left with trumps and opposition leads offsuit ace. I trump offsuit ace with Q and lead offsuit A hearts. I win the trick and lead offsuit 10 hearts and win that trick, I lead K spades trump to win 4 tricks out of 5.
Simulations indicate a probability of winning that hand greater than 2/3.