Hi All,
Something has always confused me about Christianity: the way women are portrayed in the Bible. I wanted to spark some conversations about how and why such views entered the text. Main example, 1 Timothy 2:12-15 states (NIV, Paul is speaking):
Quote:12. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 13. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15. But women will be saved through childbearing-if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
First of all, this in the New Testament, as I'm sure most of you recognize, so any "but that was under the old covenant" arguments cannot be valid. Secondly, I won't assume for a moment that men and women today have exactly equal standing in all areas of society - unfortunate but true. However, I'm highlighting the great strides we have made as societies to come closer to that equality - an ideal I back 100%.
But with that said, this passage is completely foreign to me. When I read it, I see it as debasing women to a rock-bottom low standard, that they are completely inferior to man. First observation:
I argue that if you were to yank a young woman out of the ~ 0 A.D. time frame, plunk her into a good modern-day university for 4 years, and return her to her era, she would be 3x as intelligent as any government official afterwards. Yes obviously when it comes to the science/technology advances, but I'm also emphasizing worldly intelligence here. Understanding economies, climates, philosophy, life... (some admitted speculation here but I hope you can where I'm going...). So, the woman herself is not the problem! The problem, as I see it, is that the culture lacked the ability to notice the potential of women, because of the role she was playing in society at that time.
Second observation:
Quote:But women will be saved through childbearing
This one is kinda self-explanatory. But basically what happens to those good, Christian women who, through no particular reason, end up not getting married and/or not having a child? This would mean they're not saved - one of the worst things a Christian could think of. A question I ask myself is, are Christian women somehow trained to think that the end-all of life is to have children? That they are nothing without a man? I mean absolutely no disrespect with these questions, they are merely what questions to which my mind is naturally led.
Finally, obviously I'm no fan of what these lines imply, but I welcome clarification. I also welcome the comments of a woman who deeply believes in these lines. And what other passages in the Bible show a clear old vs. new culture difference in terms of gender? Is this a prime example of how the Bible shows evidence the specific-culture-centered minds of its human authors?