Do we owe Muslims another apology?

Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2018 08:13 pm
child rapes that had been done either in the name of Jesus or make possible by the cover the Christian churches had provided?

When you find something in Christian doctrine that condones that let me know. What you are saying reflects on those men the religion does not approve. Again that is the opposite in Islam.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 04:29 am
Love how one third of the human race should be accountable for the actions at most a few hundred thousands religion nuts of the same faith at least in name of the same faith not even taking into account the two major branches of that religion.

So you should hang your head in shame over the ongoing rape of children and the many many decades of cover up of those rapes by christian churches assuming you are a proud Christian.

Shame on you for sharing the same religion as pedofiles.

In any case, all repeat all religions are irrational and all have fringe groups that bring shame on the majority of those religions and then we have the haters who used that fact to direct hate toward those religions that they happen not to share.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 04:34 am
coldjoint wrote:

child rapes that had been done either in the name of Jesus or make possible by the cover the Christian churches had provided?

When you find something in Christian doctrine that condones that let me know. What you are saying reflects on those men the religion does not approve. Again that is the opposite in Islam.

Lol so you are not a bible reader it would seems.



Vengeance on Midian
…17So now, kill all the boys, and kill every woman who has had relations with a man, 18but spare for yourselves every girl who has never had relations with a man. 19All of you who have killed a person or touched the dead are to remain outside the camp for seven days. On the third day and the seventh day you are to purify both yourselves and your captives.…
Berean Study Bible · Download
Cross Refere

Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 04:43 am
Footnote it was the blood and guts and the hate I found in the Christian King Jame family bible as a child that turn me into an atheist not the text of the Islam religion.

Oh I love Moses that when he first came off the damn mountain with the ten commandments including the one about not killing and found his people misbehaving he order the random killings until his followers could no longer swing their swords.

Thomas Paine

Any system of religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be true.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 05:38 am
A Christian is someone that follows or aspires only to Christ Jesus, these old testament verses that you're referring to about indecencies and killings are not his teachings or commandments. You obviously don't read his gospels properly. Just because nutcases call themselves Christians then commit indecencies and killings, doesn't mean its Lord Jesus's fault, obviously these nutcases are just like you, they don't read his gospels properly...
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 06:17 am
coldjoint wrote:

Islamic world contributions to Medieval Europe

Revisionist bullshit. Islam caused the Dark Ages.

It becomes more and more apparent that World history has to cater to your ideology, or it's bullsh*t. It's easy, no? Everything published you disagree with is revisionist bullsh*t, or lies perpetrated by the mainstream media. That means that the only thing that is true, is whatever floats the boat of you and the entire puppet charade you identify with.

Also, all you do is complain that nobody wants to take any 'action' against this problem, but you are very careful not to offer any solutions yourself. So, if Islam is responsible for all that is bad in this world, surely you must have a solution to combat it. Surely, you have thought this through. Come on then, tell us what needs to be done!
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 07:07 am
Amoh5 wrote:

A Christian is someone that follows or aspires only to Christ Jesus, these old testament verses that you're referring to about indecencies and killings are not his teachings or commandments. You obviously don't read his gospels properly. Just because nutcases call themselves Christians then commit indecencies and killings, doesn't mean its Lord Jesus's fault, obviously these nutcases are just like you, they don't read his gospels properly...

Nonsense as Jesus is supposed to had said he is not replacing the old believes but adding to and fulfilling them and the killings in the old testaments is at god will the same three in one god that exist in the new testament.

Yes I know that Christianity make no logical sense however no religion make logical sense.
footnote a lot of the killings within the Christian religion was over the issue if Jesus being always part of the god head an what part if any was Jesus human.

The matter was settle at sword point two thousands years ago.

No Christians had no bragging rights over being peaceful compare to other religions.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 07:53 am
I notice that English is not your first language, and you still refuse to read Lord Jesus's gospels properly. He was mainly talking about the law, the ten commandments and fulfilling them, he wasn't condoning any immoral behaviour in any of the books of the old testament, what kind of a nutcase are you?
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 09:11 am
surely you must have a solution to combat it. Surely, you have thought this through. Come on then, tell us what needs to be done!

I have some ideas. First, educate the public and call Islam out. Make Muslims explain why they support the supremacist religion with the hate it obviously teaches. Second, limit Muslim immigration to Muslim majority countries. Third, stop any aid to countries that enforce Sharia. That includes technical and humanitarian aid. Let Islamic governments fix their own problems and spend their money on something else besides weapons.

Islam cannot survive if not supported, and the Islamic society will stagnate and people will rebel in time.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 09:39 am
Shame on you for sharing the same religion as pedofiles.

I have never mentioned my religion because I am not a religious man. I have told you what Islam says. If you can find something in Christian doctrine sanctioning pedophilia please produce it. I can show you many examples of child marriage in today's Islamic world. You may not consider that pedophilia, but I do not know why you would not.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 10:29 am
coldjoint wrote:

surely you must have a solution to combat it. Surely, you have thought this through. Come on then, tell us what needs to be done!

I have some ideas. First, educate the public and call Islam out.

As you seem to feel that history(for instance) should be freely edited to suit your design, I don't really feel that the public would be served with that education. I am all for educating the public, but not if it is done according to your creed.

Make Muslims explain why they support the supremacist religion with the hate it obviously teaches.

All monotheistic religions seem to be supremacist, in so far that they refuse to acknowledge the possible existence of other deities. As far as hate goes, the Old Testament is filled to the brim with all sorts of slaughter in the name of God. So they could use that argument just as easily against Christianity!

Second, limit Muslim immigration to Muslim majority countries.

First off, how do you know if somebody is a muslim or not? Or do you feel it's proper to just implement a blanket immigration restriction on all people which you deem are potentially muslim? Also, take a country such as China, which has a muslim minority, which still constitutes roughly 20 million people. If family want to migrate to China themselves, they can't then? Just because those muslim people are a 'minority' , they are forced to live in isolation?

Also, how would this work with former colonies for instance? Should these countries be given special rights?

Third, stop any aid to countries that enforce Sharia. That includes technical and humanitarian aid.

So that means also cutting of aid to any sort of movement that is trying to change a country 'from within'. Cutting of aid from religious minorities such
as Christians.

Also, take a country such as Bangladesh, a muslim country, which suffers from lots of flooding. That's an ecological disaster, that would not just impact the people in the country, but also the animals. Worse, brackish water is a breeding ground for lots of diseases. And while I'm sure you are overjoyed by the idea of muslims dying from diseases that they can't combat with foreign aid, I'd like to point out that diseases don't cater to either borders or religions... Letting such a situation go unchallenged will result in epidemics.

Let Islamic governments fix their own problems and spend their money on something else besides weapons.

Once again, overly simplistic. Just look at Bangladesh again, for example. But heck, I know I'll lose this argument anyway, since you are so convinced that any islamic government does nothing else than use all their money to purchase weapons, I could never disprove it. After all, whatever I say will be: 'revisionist bullsh*t', right? In your world, Bangladesh is surely stockpiling weapons (prolly of mass destruction too, because it sounds more threatening) up to the wazoo...

Islam cannot survive if not supported

What do you think happened to Christianity in the early days of its existence? It wasn't supported, in fact, Christians were persecuted all over the then known world. And yet, Christianity is still around...

and the Islamic society will stagnate and people will rebel in time.

Or they will redirect their anger and frustration to the people imposing bans and denying them aid, and start another World war...
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 01:06 pm
What do you think happened to Christianity in the early days of its existence? It wasn't supported, in fact, Christians were persecuted all over the then known world. And yet, Christianity is still around...

Christians are still the most persecuted minority and Islam has a lot to do with that. There is an ongoing genocide in Nigeria and constant attacks in the ME.
Or they will redirect their anger and frustration to the people imposing bans and denying them aid, and start another World war...

Hey, **** happens.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 01:38 pm
coldjoint wrote:

What do you think happened to Christianity in the early days of its existence? It wasn't supported, in fact, Christians were persecuted all over the then known world. And yet, Christianity is still around...

Christians are still the most persecuted minority and Islam has a lot to do with that. There is an ongoing genocide in Nigeria and constant attacks in the ME.
Or they will redirect their anger and frustration to the people imposing bans and denying them aid, and start another World war...

Hey, **** happens.

Poor poor Christians indeed..........lol

Let see their attempts to indoctrinate myself an millions of other children in the US public schools until the courts got off their rear end and ended the nonsense.

Then we have the blue laws forbidding commerce activities on Sundays all in the name of Jesus.

Sorry Christians are in the same sad boat as the other religions including Islam.
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 01:52 pm
Sorry Christians are in the same sad boat as the other religions including Islam.

Islam is different. Until you realize that you will remain willfully ignorant.
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Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 04:51 pm
coldjoint wrote:

What do you think happened to Christianity in the early days of its existence? It wasn't supported, in fact, Christians were persecuted all over the then known world. And yet, Christianity is still around...

Christians are still the most persecuted minority and Islam has a lot to do with that. There is an ongoing genocide in Nigeria and constant attacks in the ME.

You don't address any of my comments I see. Funny, I don't see Christians being persecuted a lot in America.


Or they will redirect their anger and frustration to the people imposing bans and denying them aid, and start another World war...

Hey, **** happens.

Doesn't sound like you care overly much. Warmongering much?
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2018 07:52 pm
I don't see Christians being persecuted a lot in America.

Oh they are. They just are not killed. Funny the slightest insult bothers Muslims and they resort to violence. Christians take people to court. See the difference?
Warmongering much?

You mentioned war, I did not. Stop changing what I said to fit your meaning, it won't work and makes you look desperate.
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2018 01:48 am
coldjoint wrote:

I don't see Christians being persecuted a lot in America.

Oh they are. They just are not killed. Funny the slightest insult bothers Muslims and they resort to violence. Christians take people to court. See the difference?

Give me incidents and actual numbers. Empty talk don't cut it for me.

coldjoint wrote:

You mentioned war, I did not. Stop changing what I said to fit your meaning, it won't work and makes you look desperate.

You're the one that said: '**** happens'. Not me. Extreme callousness on your part, I'd say. The previous World Wars made millions of victims. You don't seem to mind much for a repeat performance.

Also, again. I made a post full of points, and you addressed one of them. Who's the one twisting words now? Who is the one who cherry picks what suits their narrative best, and ignores the rest?

Stop ignoring what I said if you can't answer it: it won't work and makes you look stupid.
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2018 09:31 am
Give me incidents and actual numbers

Here are some.

2018.08.03 (Nigeria)
Three children and two elderly adults are burned to a crisp by Boko Haram.

2018.08.03 (Afghanistan)
Over three dozen are massacred when suicide bombers and gunmen target a Shiite mosque.

2018.08.02 (Syria)
A 19-year-old Druze minority is beheaded by the Islamic State.

2018.08.02 (Afghanistan)
Three foreign workers at a food company are abducted and executed by Islam militants.

2018.08.01 (Afghanistan)
Four young children are aerated by Jihadi shrapnel.

2018.08.01 (Afghanistan)
A 10-year-old girl and her mother are murdered by Taliban gunmen.

(Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple sources. The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).

This site has a list, a sourced list, of terror attacks by Islamists going back to 2001.
Is this one of your points?
First off, how do you know if somebody is a muslim or not?

In most cases they say they are. A stupid thing to even ask.
Also, take a country such as Bangladesh, a muslim country,

It was not always. You talk about history. Here is some history.
“…… we were told to kill the Hindus and Kafirs (non-believer in God). One day in June, we cordoned a village and were ordered to kill the Kafirs in that area. We found all the village women reciting from the Holy Quran, and the men holding special congregational prayers seeking God’s mercy. But they were unlucky. Our commanding officer ordered us not to waste any time.”

Bangladesh Genocide Archive

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Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2018 09:58 am
@Greatest I am,
Since successive US governments have framed Muslims for things they never did, ie. the events of 9/11, not only do evil USians, buying into yet another US false flag, owe a major apology, all the US liars/US war criminals/US terrorists who have taken a role in this should be deported to face trial at the Hague.

Greatest I am
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2018 11:45 am
camlok wrote:

Since successive US governments have framed Muslims for things they never did, ie. the events of 9/11, not only do evil USians, buying into yet another US false flag, owe a major apology, all the US liars/US war criminals/US terrorists who have taken a role in this should be deported to face trial at the Hague.

Whatever the U.S. is, the West have collectively allowed and thus formed.

Shame, if deserved, belongs to all Western countries who support Western thinking.

Widen your brush my friend.

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