This is a racist world. Prejudice and racism are not exclusive to America. But here in America the root cause of the White racist belief of being superior to the Black race is not inequality because of one color, or America's Black populous were once, by American law, held to be property no different than cattle, or furniture in Caucasian law. Nor is it because descendants of former slave owners have not gained their right of due process and equal protection guaranteed by the United States Constitution. The root cause of racism in America is because the White does not see People of Color in the same category of being applicable to the Spirit Principle "every things after its kind." It is inequality of justice being applied for one and not all because of this indoctrinated belief.
The subtly of the Civil Rights Movement,which caused the mass of Black and White Americans to believe marches, protest, sit & stand-in were solely for equality and due process of law is not definitive of cause . The bottom line was, and is today equality of justice in accordance to equal justice of the law being applied unconditionally.
Guns by protectors of America's rights have cleverly and indirectly replaced the hanging noose, and justice to rectify this problem now comes in dialogue when it should be the demand of all America patriots to realize we will either live together in peace, or die together as ignorant fools .
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa