they would have had to spend tens of millions.The lead/copper rules ND THE arsenic mpl are relatively new rules and the water plant was built in the 50's when they werent made a big design issue. When Cu/Pb rules started it caused a lot of water plants to have to really UP the treatment. My guys designed and built the newest Atlantic City treatment becuse their water supply was contaminated by an old dump. So, they hadda add As.Pb/Cu level treatment when the new casinos were built. It cost about 25 million then and the state was kicking in som cash.
Flint was not a financially secure town. (But youre right, they should t least installed Carbon filtration and bigger sand filter beds. The biggest cost in GAC is the carbon, and they could expense that.
Im amzed at how the whole thing was done to maximize confusion and therefore give an appearance of "clean politics" to the state and city and Dept of Health.
Glad I dont live in Mich and am not poor. I got a well with more filters than a pack of Salems. Ive got natural arsenic, (from the pyrite in the bdrock) and Nitrates (from all the agriculture).
It appared that thir biggest argument was that they didnt know anything about the Legionella, the led an copper and anything of that nature "BECAUSE THEY DIDNT SAMPLE FOR IT"
What kinda addled brain morons you got out there?? Even their argument is retarded