Wtdhed it nd am amaze at how the state health Dept got away with it. We had a conf shortly after the whole thing came out about the Legionnaire's disease. The Health Dept Lie through its teth about having data re Legionella bact .
My whole issue was that , since the water plant hadnt been used for two ecades, It wasnt even dsigned to handle th Lead and Copper issues and Runzh. indices to determine aggressiveness of the water and hence, Pitting that allows Legionella to "set up housekeping"
As bad as Ive seen it happen in small Pa towns where small water authorities or water companies have been st up, Weve required investigative nd long term sampling for monitoring of all kinds of ****. Thats why Pa standards have been adopted by most states in food and water.
Those poor people,... and Im also kinda angry at the "Quiet whistle blower" A Mr McFrland (?) who only warned his sister and told her to spread the word. He was on a path to lose his job anyway so h should have gone down swinging instead of keeping it quiet an just covering his ass with memos to his boss. Although, in hi defense he did publicly state that the water plant was ill equipped to hndle that kind of water and the Town was probably telling him that "Its only temporary till the Huron pipeline is in an the new treatment plant is built"
When the water started turning that ice tea color, Ill bet that NOONE who was advising the town that the "Water was safe" would drink that crap NOONE.
Where the hell was the EPA?? this wasnt in the Trump years when this started. The EPA region was still staffed with scientists an not Political hacks like weve got now.
Rather complete investigative reporting.