This was her first christmas where she really 'got it'
Jillian was excited about presents for DAYS! could not sleep well the night before and has been asking how many more 'wake ups' does she have to do before she can open her presents.
I use the term wake ups to help describe a whole day. So, since she gets that concept really well, she offered a few times to take a nap so that when she woke up, she would have less time to wait.
crafty little woman I tell ya .
Anyway her christmas day was cute.
She slept in until 9:30 because she could not sleep the night before :
Then Ian and I stood over her bed and said ' merry christmas , you can open presents today. This is the big wake up day' ! And with no warning she rolled over and said PICK ME UP!!! haha
I started breakfast early. Eggs , fried potatoes, oatmeal, toast and coffee, coffee and more coffee ... and hot chocolate for the little Miss.
The first present she opened was the one Mommy wants for herself
A motorized Yoshi. He sits on a little dune buggy with red flashing lights in his butt and flies around the house. Flash gordon hates it....well.. he actually loves it but once he catches it , he realizes he can not eat it or do anything with it so he pins his ears back and flips his tail around really angry and walks away.. HAHA!
Mom has learned to love biglots store. A big ass junk store full of nothing but cheap crap... but MAN!
I went there looking for just fun things for little Bean and I found this -
An art box with colored pencils, oil pastels, water paints, crayons, markers, sharpeners, erasers, a stapler, a kid friendly plastic pair of scissors, glue and some cute neon yellow paperclips. She is in love with art supplies, coloring, painting etc.. THIS.. was right up her alley and I only spent 5 bucks on it!
Praise BigLots...... Ramen..
Though, her all time favorite gift was a toss up between Curious George the stuffed monkey-
Or the book.
right in the middle of opening presents, she finds the book, leaps into Ians lap and demands him to read it to her ignoring the other presents.
she loves books.
Her other possible favorite are these ponies that my brother got for her called web kins .. Inside of their UPC tag is a code name or password , I have not looked yet... but it allows you to play an online game with your pony. To my understanding , you get to name them, feed them and otherwise navigate them through a life in an online game.
The brown one is her favorite. I gave her my old laptop , a dell inspiron 1100 from about.. 5 yeras ago? and it has internet connection. Once i fix it, she will be able to sign on herself and play the game.
And of course, I had to get her girly stuff too.
A fake fingernail kit, to go along with her big girl make up so she can dress up like mommy.
and through all of her other presents, this one was the mistake..
too loud, too high pitched, too squeaky ... pan pipes...
thank goodness she is not that interested in those things. Baaaghhh.. they were a buck! I couldnt pass up a buck gift could I!!!