PanZ - looks wonderful there..... happy happy home.
Hey CJ et al pic posters
Kidlets wished Christmas early... so... off we traipse to the Garden Centre (ugh, can't do towns shops!!!)
F-boy is "Tulips" little one (he's the big fella, younger than S-boy), and of course, S-boy, is the little fella (they are the best friends) - they had such a great time - they loved it - touching everything, picking everything up, being kids. So much tut, tat and tack - yukky but their eyes were wide open and alight with all the colours and big... big ... smiles !!!!!!
Course, the little fella insisted on taking all the "tinsel" (ack.... ughy stuff) into his room and it is tinsel heaven there now... HA.... his room... no worries - there is none left for the christmas tree - HUGE RESULT!!!!!!! (don't do tinsel!)