so i thought i'd take you all on a little tour of our home. i have smaller versions of these pics - if these are too big and annoying, someone please let me know.
first of all, this is our neighborhood - courtesy of google earth. (we're just to the right of the pink arrow)
our apartment is in the middle of the picture - the one window on the top floor is open. it's really hard to see how massive it all is - the buildings. the building on the right is an old market hall that now houses a modern supermarket, vegetable market, and some random stalls. (this is where i go if i need a hotdog.)
view from the window - the neighborhood was a jewish ghetto in world war two, and this park was used as a makeshift cemetery. appropriately spooky for a not-quite-reformed goth. now, i just like looking at the pretty trees ...
and this is looking back at the place where i took the pic of our apartment building. the scale of the buildings is easier to catch here. you can see someone walking past my local bar there, on the corner. when our internet is down, we steal it from them. as we speak, there is a huge stage going up in the street in front of our windows - for some dog show, complete with LOUD pumping house music ... on saturdays, there's usually a vegetable market down there.
view of the courtyard from our floor - one of my favorite things about budapest architecture is the courtyards ... they're magical. when we came here together for the very first , jo took me through a series of them - all interconnecting, like a castle or something. all of them different! the room we rented in that old witch's house had a courtyard, too - and although i think it actually looked nothing like this, this is how i remember it.
this is the front entry ... you actually have to go through two doors to get into the apartment - and in this smaller hall, on the right, there's a door to another apartment. but in our hall, we keep shoes and coats and the bike homeboy hauls up and down three flights of stairs every day. the study is straight ahead, the kitchen is on the right. but before you get to the kitchen, there's ... another little closet that's important.
don't ever ever EVER complain about how small your bathroom is. funny thing about this one - the ceiling is just as high as everywhere else in the house. sometimes it reminds me of sitting inside a cannon, waiting to be shot into a net or something ...
kitchen, on the other hand, appears HUGE.
(to the left)
(to the right)
this is living room phase ... three, i think.
this WAS the living room, phase two - at the beginning of the year. (i rearrange every couple of months ... it keeps me in town. heh) you might recognize the balloons. they're left over from my birthday party in november. they had MANY uses. we eventually threw them out the window on people. or tried to. not too many people out at three in the morning.
in my haste to make beautiful photos, not only did they come out blurry, but ... um ... i threw all of the clutter on the bed and then managed to take a picture of it. but look at that awesome heating unit! no - on the OTHER side of the room! it doesn't work - but it makes a great shelf.
this is where we sleep. you'll note that by the time i got round to cleaning off and making the bed, it was dark. heheh.
we moved the bed into the living room so we could turn the bedroom into a study, but it's essentially four blank walls and a cluttered desk right now. nothing to see there, folks. someday soon.