cjhsa wrote:Whatever. nimh's pictures looked like those of a gay 16-year old and I called him on it. I don't think he cares.
It seems to me that YOU are the one now spamming the thread with hatred.
Yep...confronting you does have that problem...that it continues unpleasant interactions, so I won't be bothered continuing for much longer.
However, once your apoplexia has passed, just look at what you wrote:
"Whatever. nimh's pictures looked like those of a gay 16-year old and I called him on it."
What in hell does that even MEAN? "Called him on it"??????!!!!!!!
What on earth, even if you HAD such a weird response, made you want to deposit it in a happy little thread where people were enjoying themselves and feeling warm and close to each other?
What do you hope to achieve when you do these things? Does the response make you happy? Are you making your life better by achieving such responses (whether the response be the sensible ignoring, or the anger and frustration)? Seriously, is this what you want from this board?
Anyhoo, sermon over....back to ignoring you.
But it would be great if you did take a moment to think clearly.
You don't SEEM happy with the way people respond to you...but perhaps unhappiness is your aim? People can want all sorts of things.
Sorry all, rant over......we now return you to your normal program.