Looks like a Craftman to me. The tire chains are a nice touch.
CalamityJane wrote:H2O, I can't make out what city it is?
CJ, I'd say that's Atlanta.
urs53 wrote:CalamityJane wrote:H2O, I can't make out what city it is?
CJ, I'd say that's Atlanta.
I'd say so, too.
The Georgia Dome, where the Falcons play, is showing in the last picture...
I recognized that round building at the left in the same picture. I forgot what it's called. I had dinner there once with my brother - revolving restaurant on top. I loved the elevator!
Last time I was in Atlanta it was 15 years ago. I don't remember very well...
Last time I was there was 11 years ago. So all I remember is the food!
Last time I was there was 2 years ago and I probably remember less than Francis.
CalamityJane wrote:H2O, I can't make out what city it is?
Yep, it's Atlanta.
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I much prefer my little ranch dwarfed by the many huge white oaks
surrounding it, but the high rise does have room service available
You mean the one in Watkinsville, Kevin?
Where you can shoot silently?
Francis wrote:You mean the one in Watkinsville, Kevin?
Where you can shoot silently?
Silently shooting somewhere near Watkinsville - It sounds like you have seen my world famous video
Here's our new house last spring, from the back obviously. We didn't build it, it is about six years old. It has been a long time coming. We rented for over 20 years in California.
v nice cj, just finished the lawns I see.
The 2 or 3 levels are not something we see very much of here in Australia. Homes here tend to be single story. No fences is a big difference too, we tend to like our dividing lines. I kinda like the open plan look of the area myself but for some silly reason it makes me feel uncomfortable. Culture does funny things to people
In Michigan you'll only see fences around yards in urban areas, or if people have a pool, or if they have dogs.
Of course I'm not counting farmers and ranchers. Different story.
One thing I really like about the house is that it didn't need anything except furniture. If I took that picture again this spring, the only difference you would notice would be an upgraded satellite dish, and that the trees grew.
Another cat picture from H2O MAN.
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Bottled water H2O Man? Say it isn't so! (Gorgeous cat BTW)
Tai Chi wrote:Bottled water H2O Man? Say it isn't so! (Gorgeous cat BTW)
It is bottled, but I make the H2O myself by refilling
AquafinA bottles with purified water from my sink
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Ignore the cat and you will see evidence of water everywhere. The man truly lives up to his name.
Looks like it!
The cat is a cutie though....
gustavratzenhofer wrote:
Ignore the cat and you will see evidence of water everywhere. The man truly lives up to his name.
CalamityJane wrote:Looks like it!
The cat is a cutie though....
When my work gets in the way of her getting attention she just plops down on my desk - she wins.
Trying to get at Dad's camera.