Something like this, yes?
Doubt you're as blond as in your kid pics. Probably regular brown hair. I don't think anything too out there -- no particularly weird haircut or piercings or anything. I'm picturing vaguely Ethan Hawke-ish.
Doing a shot, New Orleans-style.
dagmaraka, it's so nice to know you really don't have flames in the back of you. You look like, a lot of the other brunettes on this thread? ha. j/k look like someone I would totally hang out with.
Slappy, yeah... I guess you're EXACTLY how I imagined. Good grief. that girl has some cha-chas.
Yep... pretty close. Hair is not even close to that blonde anymore. My sisters stayed pretty close to that color though.
jpinMilwaukee, you look like the sweet boy who is really naughty. i mean that as a compliment.
hard to post "you're fine" and all that jazz when you want to remain respectful to your SO.
;-) hi jpin. see? i was right. you are a poster material.
but the 'before' is a little darn X on my puter.
slappy is, well, being slappy. and he's good at that, too! is the girl a colleague, a waitress, a significant other? she sure has chutzpah.
Hey, not bad. (My guess, but you too! ;-)) You look the tiniest bit Dylanesque in that pic.
My hubby's the same -- white-blond hair as a kid, brown hair as an adult -- and those Minnesota blonds/ blondes did the same. Though the Minnesota females usually find a way to keep their hair blonde even if a little assistance is needed. (Did you know that highlighting started in Minnesota? Before that people would just dye their hair one color -- think Marilyn -- but there were so many natural blondes in Minnesota that they started highlighting there so the fakes wouldn't look so... fake.) (This is how it was explained to me by a Minnesotan hairdresser, anyway, who could've been lying.)
Here's a more recent pic of me, with my fantasy football buds (it was draft day). We were all pretty well lubricated at this point. I forgot to take off my glasses, thus, it looks like I am about to be hit by a truck.
Free duck is beautiful. Well, we all are, no? I am sorry that for various reasons people need to take the photos off, wish it weren't so.
Heh, my colleagues in my field are pretty sharp, they'd enjoy a2k, I send them topic links sometimes; they already know what I look like, and they know my user name.
the ever popular picture taken in the bathroom mirror
djj, that is a wellconceived photo, I like it! (and you're a cutie too..)
I am enjoying all of the wonderful pics of you people, you have all become more real, and I think that makes chatting here that much more fun.
Djjd62, if you took that pic in the mirror, how come the flash didn't show up, what's the trick?
Either the flash was off, or he covered the bulb with his finger. ??
Hmm, I'm going to experiment tomorrow.
Thanks for the compliment, osso. And yes, we all are beautiful.
My nervousness about posting my pic, I think, is because I'm a bit outspoken in politics here, but not at all at work. And most of the folks at work lean pretty far in another direction politically.
Wow! Look at all you pretty people :-D