I would like to share something that i wrote, but it is very personal. I am not looking to push thoughts of God on anyone, this is something that i wrote to God, and i was able to wrap up a lot of thoughts into a nice nutshell for myself. I go on and on praising God, but that is not so strange for me, everyone I know is aware that i thank God for my '05 mustang GT too. It is impossible to read unless you believe in God, so please dont even try. Apparently it is very offensive, because i have been shunned for displaying it. But it really makes sense to me, and if it makes sense to 1 other person in the world, then I think that is a good reason to say it.
I would love feedback of any kind
my philosophy on opinions and individual reality
There is a truth to everything. Each person has their own opinions, and each person has their own reality. One man admires a famous entertainer as being a successfull human life. Another mans opinion is that a famous entertainer is someone with a talent, such as extraordinary singing or acting abilities. Yet another sees a famous entertainer as someone who has gained power, money, fame, and leadership in a way that is unworthy of the status as morality spokesman...spread by widespread media, and onefamous entertainer feels that he is the only real important man on the face of the earth. In each mans reality, these ideas are fact. And they are fact. One mans reality is no less fact then anothers. None of these ideas are facts in reality combined for all of society..... how could they be? they are simply opinions. God is dissapointed that people often dont realize that the only TRUTH about an idea, profession, action, etc can be only found by researching His laws... in which he has given us all the tools and clues that are needed. His laws are all connected intriqitely together, and it only takes the slightest bit of tampering and the whole creation is damaged to the point of devastating consequences. God finds great joy in people finding their own opinions, especially with things like beauty, inventions, art, etc. because these are not the creations of God, but the creations of his creation. There are some creations by the created that God is ashamed of, because they were not created in the realm of Gods TRUTH of creativity and imagination. Instead they were cuncocted for a personal gain of some kind...attention, money, shock, etc. all of which contradict THE WORD OF GOD and therefore prove their FALSE realities. The ring of perfect existence that God has created for us in our universe has allways remained injured by mankind, and only the first human has seen this unspeakably perfect creation as it was meant to be. Adam was the first man to make his own reality, and formed the opinion that it would be allright to make his own choice even though it was disoboying God. Adam formed this opinion without researching Gods laws of perfect life and existence(THE WORD).....and his own created reality was the begginning of human created pain, suffering, death, shame, sadness, vanity, hurt, torture, ridicule, jealousy, anger, hate, hunger, sickness, ignorance, selfishness, poverty, trickery, scandal, wastfullness, evilness, resentment. God created us in his own image, in other words, he has the same emotions, the same desire to find beauty, the same desire to create clever inventions, the same desire for love, joy, happiness, the same desire for family and friendship, the same desire for eternal life and peace. It is our nature to desire these things, and to try to avoid; and fix away all the other human experiences with our worldly laws. I do not know where these experiences came into existence, and I do not know if they are here because of YinYang....but i suspect so at this time. I do know that our God set out to create a ring of perfection that would remove all negative physical experiences. Until mankind realizes that only God knows the formula to the ring of perfection and life(THE WORD), then we will be stuck here trying ignorantly to make our own rings of laws attempting to use our opinions and individual realities as guidelines. Remember how each individual has his own reality? and there is no logical combined reality? Then how on earth could these problems be solved by our democratic ideas...we often amplify the break down of Gods laws for future generations by making everything as descent and fair and humane as possible. How? The future will be taught the "reality....." its only equal and fair to the buddha gods if we remove all traces of under GOD from our history. It is time that God lets us know that he is not ignoring us when we ask those questions so vital in deciding whether we want to accept or deny the belief in God. It is time that God lets us know that he is not ignoring us when we as why he has allowed horrible sensless murders, worthless drunk driver who smite a young life so beautiful and pure, rape us and our babies. Why did he not speak up if he was not ignoring us? Have we ever listened to HIM? Or have we decided to do what we want and leave him out of our opininons and realities. We are ready to admit to you LORD FATHER, we are not capable of helping ourselves, We beg you to help us FATHER, we have allowed the evil and terrible experiences into our lives ourselves. It was only you who wanted to show us how to not know of such things, there would be no hunger for a perfect organized government if there was no selfishness in our hearts, and we all admit that having you FATHER, back in our lives is what will make every one of us rich with all that we have ever needed to survive for eternity. It satisfies every human need, from thirst and hunger, to the need of being loved and treated with equal respect. It is time that we let GOD know!!!, that we have learned our lessons, and this time his perfect creation will work. We have chosen to live our lives alone...we have proven that we were wrong, this is NOT THE REALITY MEANT FOR US!