Ideological = NOT-Logical
Gungasnake you have hit the nail dead-centre:
Quote:...we have to keep the questions of whether there might actually be global warming and whether humans CAUSE it separate.
The NY Times today declares that environmentalism is dead because the tree-huggers got too alarmist, have been shown to be
crying wolf: so much so that opposition has bit their arses - the Alaska oil-drilling project looks like going ahead.
Lying causes even Judges to stop believing you. Anyone who embraces similar undigested, ideological opinions soon fall victim to their own words. It is a process dubbed
Rissonism: the harder you swim the deeper you sink into the pooh; two steps forward put you three backward, sort of thing: people just don't trust you any more. Usually after the damage is done; pious hypocricy is very destructive. It's named after an Australia pollie who wanted the right thing, but did it all so wrong he failled in a big way.
Remember that guy who "bonsaied" kittens by letting them grow inside a glass form? He left apertures for the kitten to feed and breathe; and another for waste-elimination. We are bonsaied within a thin film of breathable air, but we don't have a workable means of waste-elimination.
We are shitting all over inside our own nest, poisoning this ball of stellar debris. But take heart: in a geological blink-of-an-eye it will all be pristine again. To achieve this, all trace of human-kind must be erased.
In a million years or so, the missile silos of Nevada and Kamchatka will be so much decayed rock; The Middle East will again be a Garden of Eden; and to whatever intelligent beings remain the word BUSH will be a natural assemblage of vegetation -- please let that last bit happen real soon!!!
By then, Woomera, Mururoa, Three-Mile Island and Chernobyl will be sources of curious glassy stuff good for making knives and arrow-heads; and the Baikal seals will have stopped growing two heads.
In the meantime we must run this place on
logic not ideology: Arthur C Clarke described his ideal society of a thousand years hence in
Odessy IV: 3001: we have the technology to do it, if and only if we give up the religio/political chicanery that's going on now in Washington, Brussels, Riadh, Moscow and Beijing.
About the only way we could run it on logic is to have a computer-governed world: OMG, then we'd have to elect a Chief Programmer!!
I think we should add Delhi to that list.
More "pious hypocracy": what the State of Colorado is doing to Professor Wade Churchill. All Churchill did was exercise his First Amendment right to say what he thought. A much older Churchill said:
Quote:Some people's idea of (free speech) is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage.
He also said:
Quote:Do not criticize your government when out of the country. Never cease to do so when at home.