Sat 27 Jan, 2018 12:05 pm
Why are some Web/Internet addresses preceded by the article "the" as in "@TheJohnWood"? In other words, is it correct grammar to use the "the" in front of a proper noun?
Thank you
In British English, we don't often use the definite 'the' article before a proper noun, except in a few cases:
When we are talking about a person with famous name:
I had a drink with Paul McCartney last week.
What, THE Paul McCartney? The former member of the Beatles?
No, he's a builder from Croydon.
(THE is said with emphasis, and always pronounced "thee".
When we wish to distinguish a person from others with the same name, e.g. when talking to someone who knows them both:
I talked to John Smith yesterday. He's the John Smith who has a kebab shop, not the John Smith who drives a taxi.
When taking about a ship:
I sailed on the Queen Mary.
Website names are, however, not subject to the rules of grammar, and probably thejohnwood was chosen because johnwood was already taken.