Thu 25 Jan, 2018 10:53 am
I recently acquired a picture from a local auction. It appears to be a hand coloured engraving depicting a church/graveyard scene with 2 men. The picture is signed in pencil with 2 signatures. One signature on the left with a second at the right. Can anyone tell me anything about the signatures please? Preferably full names and dates of the artists/engravers. Thanks.

Can you post the picture?
Somtimes the engraver and also the colorist sign the work.
There is also a Francis Barraud, but he may be too late.
Thanks, the original picture below
Following your suggestion I have found other engravings by Francis Phillip Barraud & FG Stevenson (the other signature). Other engravings show pictures by FP Barraud engraved by W Cox (signed bottom right hand side). I am confident now that this is an engraving by FG Stevenson of a picture by FP Barraud. I'm still looking for the original artwork. Thanks again for your help