Just try discussing, Izzy, and it will soon be apparent to all that you don't have a clue what you are talking about. That has been evident from your offerings on the English language.
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Mon 22 Jan, 2018 03:26 am
camlok wrote:
layman -
Not quite the same. The first one suggests that the task has already been accomplished. The second one suggests that it is a task still in progress.
Do you actually even understand what it is that issues from your mouth, layman? You can contradict yourself so quickly. The bolded and enlarged 'got' is not an example of present tense, is it? Yet you maintain that this is a present condition, one that is going on now, "is ... still in progress".
Boy, ya really, sho nuff, true fact, stone-cold GOT me there, sho nuff, Cambo.
Looky here, chump:
1. Getting his sorry ass to do it is a done deal.
2. Him doin it aint quite finished, but it best be, if he wants to go out Friday night.
1 and 2 is two different, can ya see that? Hint: 1 aint the same as 2.