THE MEANING OF OZ - All you need to know!

Reply Mon 5 Jan, 2009 08:04 pm
I blame all that KFC they're eating. urrk.

And if we win this one we hold onto no.1, just, but the seth efrikans will say we could only beat them when they were down to ten men.

I agree with Kev, except that Hussey should be stuck in shield to regain some form too.
Reply Mon 5 Jan, 2009 08:08 pm
Listening online - sounding good so far today...

Hussey - what to do with him? Yes, maybe Shield to pick up his skills again. He's next in - so we'll see how he goes.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2009 07:38 pm
Alarming news!

Keep your hands off my Vegemite: Gillard
January 8, 2009, 11:27 am

Acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard says there is no way she is giving up her breakfast ritual of Vegemite on toast.

A shadow has been cast over the future of the iconic spread as a federal government taskforce considers special taxes and other deterrents on the sale of fatty, sugary and salty foods.

But Ms Gillard on Thursday said Vegemite's future on Australian grocery shelves was assured.

"I am a very happy Vegemite eater and there is no way in the world that Vegemite would be banned in this country," Ms Gillard told reporters in Melbourne .

"Vegemite is part of being Australian, part of our history, part of our future and I'll be continuing to wake up in the morning and having it on my toast."

The government set up the taskforce last year to recommend ways to tackle preventable health problems such as obesity, which cost Australia an estimated $8.3 billion in 2008, according to a report in Thursday's The Australian newspaper.

The taskforce's final report, due in June, is one of the most eagerly anticipated of all the health reviews under way, the newspaper says.

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Reply Tue 27 Jan, 2009 06:16 am

Reply Tue 27 Jan, 2009 06:23 am
I thught Rudd very rude in his response re talking about moving the date.

Reply Tue 27 Jan, 2009 06:34 am
In response to Mick Dodson, Deb?

I missed his response. What did he say?
Reply Tue 27 Jan, 2009 06:39 am
Something like "I say, very respectfully, no, we are not going to have that discussion."
Reply Tue 27 Jan, 2009 06:43 am
In other words ... forget it!

I think there's an excellent case for seriously considering changing the date. I mean, what a thing (invasion) to celebrate!
Reply Tue 27 Jan, 2009 06:51 am
I feel Mr. Rudd's response was clear and respectful but I agree with Mr. Dodds submission there certainly is room for discussion to change the date.
Reply Tue 27 Jan, 2009 06:54 am
There's certainly a case for being prepared to have a national conversation about it, which was what Mick suggested.

It'd be a mare's nest, what with the people who go all irrational about flags and Australianism and such crap, but, as you say...it's a legitimate argument.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jan, 2009 09:16 pm
Personally I'd like our indigenous people to make it their day - a celebration of what they survived, and certainly some indigenous leaders, bravely, took that view.

I always loved that mockumentary that was made with the black fella/white fella roles reversed at that first landing of James Cook.

But as you all say there's room for discussion.
Reply Tue 27 Jan, 2009 09:28 pm
Personally I'd like our indigenous people to make it their day - a celebration of what they survived, and certainly some indigenous leaders, bravely, took that view.

Now there's a thought!
Good thinking, hinge!
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 12:37 am
45.5 here.

I spoke to someone in Elizabeth who said their verandah thermometer was at 50!

That's (the 45.5) about 112F.

The 50 is about 125F

Train services cancelled because of buckled rails.

Free bottled water being handed out at Adelaide Central Railway station.

Last heatwave like this was in 1939...no airconditioning....gawd help them.

How's Melbs, Msolga?
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 01:11 am
about 43 in Melb. today brer rabbit.
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 01:19 am
All I know is that Serbian kid looked like death warmed over against Roddick at the open...

But it appears you marsupials are talking some incomprehensible Ozzian shite, and my sleep-incontinent dog is snoring on the couch and needs a nudge afore disaster strikes.
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 01:27 am
Serb'm right.
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 01:55 am
Maximum temperature in Adelaide today was 45.7 Celcius that works out to 114.26 degrees Fahrenheit.

This is only a fraction off our all time record of 46.1 degrees set in the summer of 1939.

Pitied the poor travellers having to find their way home where train and bus services were cancelled.

More of the same weather to come tomorrow.

Time to open another cold stubby.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 06:23 am
11: 10 pm & still not cool enough to open the windows & let the fresh air in. But soon, soon ...

Hi Deb, dadpad & Dutchy.

But Melbourne aint nothin compared to what you guys in Adelaide are/have been experiencing! Hideous! What sorts of (home) water restrictions are operating there? And has your state government got a buncha plans to future "secure" water supply? (Ours does. A desalination plant & the famous pipeline, taking water from country (northern) Victoria for Melbourne - both wildly unpopular projects with different groups, for different reasons. Sigh.)

You mentioned train cancellations, Deb. Come to Melbourne & you'll really know about it! Been going on for months - lots of cancellations, almost daily. Commuters are getting mighty angry! So this is what happens when you privatize the transport system & the managers don't invest in maintenance. Every hot day guarantees major disruption. Grrrrr!

But I reckon a lot of our problems (water, transport, hospitals, housing, etc) have been caused by this ridiculous "vision" that Melbourne should accomodate a million more people by 2030. Whose brilliant idea was this? We simply don't have the resources to support that many people & the population has grown much too quickly.

But back in my little house. I can't bear to look at my garden. Such a sorry sight. Luckily my little (brick) house stays pretty cool during the day. I keep the blinds drawn after opening up all doors & windows to let in the cool, fresh air in the early morning. My little house may have developed horrendous cracking as a result of years of drought, but at least it remains reasonably cool!
My cat worries me. I wish she'd stay indoors for most of the day (she has a cat flap to get in & out), but chooses to stay out. I wish she'd be more sensible! I kkep collecting her & bringing her inside.

How are things up north, dadpad? I keep hearing those "bushfire plan" messages on 774 throughout the day. A really worrying time for folk in the country, for all sorts of reasons. I hope all is OK with you.
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 06:25 am
Serb'm right.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 06:42 am
Er...I think holding a garden hose once a week..and limited watering cans otherwise.

I am a little shaky on that, as I only have the balcony now...(just went out there to water the poor plants...it's HOOOOOT!!!!)

No letting cool air in tonight....it feels well over the old century out there still.

Yes, your train deal sucked mightily. I thought the private people had run away in the night, when it was discovered they had ordered new trains (which were near completion) for the wrong guage?

Our trains are old, and lots of routes have ceased, but they generally kinda sorta work.
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