Religious or secular I am interested to hear thoughts on the matter. Specifically, what you believe and what evidence or reasoning do you base your belief?
Briefly, some of my own thoughts:
The common conceptions seem to base their appeal hedonistically (i.e., rivers of wine) and are wrought with the prevailing misogyny of their respective period of development. More broadly speaking, conceptions of the afterlife seem to have such a basis in an environment all too earthly to be of any sort of divine inspiration. Now I realize of course that this does not preclude the existence of a next life as I hope it should not, but a description possessing divine attributes (timelessness perhaps?) seems difficult to locate.
I hope the goal of this forum topic is not to obliterate uncertainty, but rather to reap what we can of varying conceptions of an afterlife whether they are rooted in an organized religion or are unique formulations unto themselves.
Happy posting.