The towel racks can have a pull over/sliding door/partition of some sort. You also don't have all the chachkies hanging on the wall and sitting on open shelves, unless they can get wet.
What do they do in Japan? I hear they're pretty smart.
Set, you're right. Why do I even respond to max? I really hate that it's got to be twisted into some economic/politcal thing.
There's a lot of people who can't afford any type of car, so why should anyone be allowed to buy one, let alone a luxury model? A lot of people have to **** in a hole in the ground, so why don't we all do that in solidarity?
This isn't a one way or the other thing. If you don't want all the bells and whistles of a touch screen something or other. Then don't get it.
However, as I said before, it's all about priorities. Some people want a super large TV, or the latest car with all the new features. Personally, I find nothing obscenely over the top with having a tub that is filled with hot water, kept warm through some energy efficient method, and has a cover to keep the water warm. Use solar panels.
I simply found the design in general very practical.
You use the bath for nice long soaks, not putting your dirty body in it. You sit and clean yourself in a separate area next to the tub, and the water runs down a separate drain. In a new build, the bathroom floor would be slightly graded toward the drain. The sink area and even the toilet can still be exactly there in the same spot. It would just get wet while your cleaning yourself. Then you hose everything down, turn on the vent, and leave. It certainly would be nice to have some sort of partition between the showering, sink and commode area. That way someone brushing their teeth won't get sprayed. Could be as simple as a $2 shower curtain, or an elaborate as you want to get.
Put up a very thin tension rod across an area, small enough to thread through the grommets of a shower curtain. That way you don't even have to deal with those shower hooks when you go to replace the curtains (if needed) every few months.