Last week I went banging on the front door of this fine-ass teenage girl that I've been stalking for about a year now.
Her dad came to the door and I said: "Oh, hello, Mr. Smith. I was in the neighborhood so I thought I would
stop by to say hello to Julia."
He said: "That so, layman, ya damn perv, ya? Tellya what...here, say "hello" to my little friend."
That's when he hauled out his double-barreled sawed off shotgun and squeezed off both barrels.
Too late! I had already dove over the porch railing and was running like a bat out of hell.
Point is, it's not always advisable to just "stop by." Tonight I will park about a block from her house, wait for her to leave, then follow her to wherever she's going. Then I will approach her, noting how "coincidental" (code for ordained by God and fate) it is that we just happened to be in the same vicinity, ya know?