Sat 15 Jan, 2005 05:24 pm
i'm just a regular person; not an auuthority on any particular least, not under this topic; however, i just need to know...does any one know where is the present location of the REAL 10 commandments?
you know....the three tablets moses brought down the mountain which GOD had given him to present GOD's laws to HIS people? i know moses threw one of the tablets onto the idol of gold the disbelievers had constructed during his absence....but where are the other two tablets?
are they to be counted as "missing" as is the ARK?
i'm just curious and this is prolly not even the correct forum, but it's a start.
ever seen Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark?
Maybe he took the two tablets and got in touch with his physician in the morning if symptoms persisted.
Welcome to A2K anyhow!! We have been discussing this on another thread - jury seems to think that the Ark + tablets lost during one of the sackings of Jerusalem. Possibly never existed in the first place.
Re: where are the 10 commandments?
filipendula wrote:does any one know where is the present location of the REAL 10 commandments?
That assumes that they and/or moses existed, of which there is no guarantee.
Where are the two tablets?
last seen in the Ark of the Covenant.
I vaguely remember something about Jeremiah having it. Yet he went to Egypt and dissappeared. Could be mistaken. Find the Ark(if it still exists) and you have Aaron's rod, a container of manna and the Two tablets.
in rolalyn chappel in scottland. on the grounds of rosalyn castle near edenburraugh (sp??). a chappel that is modeled after the temple of soloman with the exception of the passageway to the 'holy of holies' being 'MASONED'-off. research the templar(mason) connections, add in the consistancy of the date of construction with returning from the crusade in which the temple of soloman was 'discovered' by the templars. add in the fact that the last 'irrefuted' resting place of said ark was in this temple. add in that the freemasonry, the highest order (like diamonds, clubs, hearts, and spades is the ascending order of otherwise similar playing card hands) is the scottish rite. add in all the other variables that are too numerous to mention and if i had to make a guess as to where the ark of the covenant lays, it would be rosalyn chappel.
I swear I heard someone say they were in Alabama??? maybe?
ceili - don't believe the description of everything you see listed on ebay. (hehe)
as far ias i was aware, Solomon, son of hte original king David (of giant slaying fame) encased them in the 'lords house' he built at the request of the lord on the top of mount zion. they restad within the ark of the covenant of the lord. no idea where that house may be or where the ark may be.
The Ark of the Covenant is described as a particular container built on God's instructions to hold certain holy relics of the Jewish faith. Inside the Ark are: the Tablets of the Ten Commandments, Aaron's Rod, and samples of the mana which sustained the Israelites in the desert. The Ark accompanied the wandering tribes until Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem, thereafter it was the kept in the Holy of Holies. There it was seen only by the high priests on certain Holy Days.
The Ark is believed to have survived the destruction of Solomon's Temple, and eventually occupied a similar position in Herod's Temple. That it actually was in the Holy of Holies when the Romans destroyed the Temple is not known. Roman depictions of the destruction of the Temple list the loot, but the Ark is not listed.
Several theories have been advanced as to what happened to the Ark, but its fate (if it ever existed at all) has never been proven.
1. The actual Ark ceased to exist long before the Second Temple, but the priests publicly maintained that it was in the Holy of Holies to buttress their authority.
2. The Ark was hidden either somewhere on the Temple Mount or within Isreel, and has yet to be found. One of Islam's holiest sites is the Dome of the Rock located on the Temple Mount, so excavation is forbidden there. It is possible that the Ark was concealed within Israel and its location forgotten.
3. The Ark may have been Roman loot that was not recorded. The contents of the Ark would have meant nothing to the Roman soldiers, and the gold in the Seat of Mercy was a pittance compared to other Temple objects.
4. The Ark may have been spirited out of Israel, and eventually found its way to a small church in Ethiopia. There is a church in Ethiopia that claims to house the Ark. The attending priests clearly venerate whatever it is they guard, and visit it only on the prescribed Holy Days. No one outside a small number of priests have ever seen what is contained in the church.
5. The Ark may have been found during the Crusades by the Knights Templar along with other holy relics. It is said/rumored that the Ark was sent to Scotland and concealed in the Rosalyn Chapel. The site is of special significance to Free Masonry, and the Scottish Rite. Whether the Ark, or anything else of historical interest actually is concealed at Rosalyn is anyone's guess.
My personal opinion is that the Ark did once exist, though I rather doubt the magical and holy origins of its contents. I suspect that the Ark vanished long before the destruction of the Second Temple, and if so it is irretrievably lost. If the Romans took it as loot, it was probably melted down and the gold used for other purposes. Unless it was buried on the Temple Mount, it may someday be found hidden somewhere in Israel. The claims for its existence in Ethiopia are tantalizing, but there is no solid proof. Though I am a Mason, I doubt that the Ark is in Scotland. Take your pick of the possibilities.