pardon me, if were gonna be blown to small particles, I should have at least been more accurate in my terminology. The term "Triassic age volcanics" of the NE US is an incorrect term since the convening of the stratigraphic congress. The term "Newark Supergroup" is preferred(and you will be docked credit if you continue using Triassic aged.
The Newark group are sed an some minor basic volcanics deposited and experienced in a series of half and full grabens and horsts that trike about N30 E and dip about 20 degrees to the West in the half grabens. The volcanics( basalts and other basic rocks) occupy the line at various points from New Hampshire ,VT Connecticut, NJ Pa Md and Va .The y occur along this line and blew out say every 50 to100 miles or so. Hardly going to be a suprevolcano but itll keep lotsa geophysicists employed.
Ive been wanting to get a hold of some colleagues and share some well level data .
The article in Earth isnt panicky since the temps arent really that out of the ordinary and other things are within ranges of normal.