I'm a "Your posts, new posts" kind of guy.
I sometimes go crazy and browse the Forum Index. And while I visited all the forums on my first week here, the ones I most enjoy are General and Philosophy and Debate, maybe because those are the most active.
I like most of them, the ones I never touch are: Politics (of which I know nothing about), the whole News tree and the whole Home & Family tree (except Relationships and Marriage).
TV, Film, and Original Writing. If you want to keep something a secret from me, just post in any one of the three.
Noddy, can't sleep?
I'm a "Your posts, new posts" kind of woman. :wink:
For stimulation, I prefer Philosophy and Debate as well as Spirituality and Religion. For hanging out, I enjoy Trivia and Word Games.
Although I am a political junkie, I don't particularly care for that forum here because it appears to be lacking in open-mindedness. As a political independent, I find it difficult to see all the threads which appear to be cheering sections for partisan dogma.
Your posts, history and then New Posts/At a glance.
(Mostly the latter, because usually - with a couple of windows open for looking at sources, I close the wrong one, namely A2K

I always go to the search engine and look for
gustavratzenhofer's postings first.
Skimming the cream, huh, CJ?
Your posts takes up most of my time...then go to New Posts to see if there's something I need to include in Your Posts.
I love the whole Music forum..I think A2Kers are really hip about music.
I'm getting back into Politics now that the election is over.
I like pets, cooking, general and marriage.
Computer...I have to read very carefully, but I've gotten great advice there.
Re: What are your three favorite A2K forums?
sports, general, trivia... i try to field some of the unanswereds...
your posts only -- not enough hours in the day any more for new posts...
Oops, forgot that I go to Sports, and sometimes to Relationships, though a lot less than I used to -- I guess I'm all out of answers.
Nah, you just got tired of answering the same thing...over and over and over....
Your Posts and, if I want to hang out some more or nothing interesting appeared, New Posts.
Perhaps thats not the best way to do it though. You do get an awful lot of stuff all in the same few forums that way. When I did go browsing in, say, the Europe forum, I found some unexpected nicenesses. (Reminds himself to go there again and do work).
In practice <checks Your Posts>, most of my posts are in Politics, International News or General, with occasional forays into Music, Trivia or Film.
I like International News much better than Politics, which is basically always the same few hot-button US-Politics issues all over again, with the same players frozen in ever the same two monolithic sides hatin' each other, in which I get all caught up even tho the actual issues dont really mean all that much to me and frankly, often seem rather petty. I mean, they wouldn't mean much to me if A2K didnt get me all caught up in them ever again.
Time and again I vow to leave all American-politics threads aside and avoid myself some heartburn, but yet I don't. Like a road accident you gotta watch or something. By far the most interesting, constructive and instructive news discussions I've been in however were all in International News (or Europe, Latin America, etc) though (or should be). And there you may suddenly find people thinking outside the box or aligning in unusual combinations with each other, opinion-wise, as well.
Anyway, when I want to be nice to myself I hang out at General (for the zany fun) and Music, Books, Film instead. I also spent a while posting stuff on Relationships, but I do realise I havent exactly got much right to speak, so mostly leave that now.
Right? What's that mean?
Your perspective has been really valuable often, especially since most of those who regularly post there are wimminfolk.
I have a hard time answering as "which forums do you like the most" and "which forums do you post in the most often" yield different answers. Politics is definitely love/hate. Parenting would probably be in both categories. Relationships & Marriage also more ambiguous. (I probably smack my forehead in frustration more there than any category but Politics.) General's fun. Pets & Garden is nice, more laid-back and sweet. (That reminds me, I have a gardening question...)
Guess my favorites are any of the Debate Forums, the News Forums, and the Technology Forums - 'least, those seem to be where I do mosta my postin' anyhow.
I usually try to check "Your Posts" first, just to stay up with open business, then "New Posts" then "Unanswered". I get distracted pretty easily, though ... never know where I'll wind up, sometimes have no idea how I got there. Sometimes I'll have a few widows open, following different active threads, and I'll post a reply composed in Notepad into the wrong thread. Thats generally pretty embarrassin'.
and you should be embarrassed about those widows you've opened
shouldn't you be posting in the relationships forum about this problem of yours?
I generally get my posting assignments over coffee with the big guy every morning....
Deb, he's talking about Squinney's dad...
I .. er.. oh damn, I've forgotten.