This has got to be the most stupid idea re the Tsunami

Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2005 09:58 am
Unbelievable that these people don't realize that their stupid actions could get all non-muslim relief efforts ordered out of the countries devestated by the tsunami when they desparately need everyone's help. ---BBB

Christian group's plan for orphans
Muslim children will be raised by missionaries
Alan Cooperman, Washington Post
Thursday, January 13, 2005

Washington -- A Virginia-based missionary group said this week that it had airlifted 300 tsunami orphans from the Muslim province of Banda Aceh to Jakarta, the Indonesian capital, where it plans to raise them in a Christian children's home.

The missionary group, WorldHelp, is one of dozens of Christian, Muslim and Jewish charities providing humanitarian relief to victims of the Dec. 26 earthquake and tsunami that devastated countries around the Indian Ocean, taking more than 153,000 lives.

Most of the religious charities do not attach any conditions to their aid, and many of the larger ones -- such as WorldVision and Catholic Relief Services -- have policies against proselytizing. But a few of the smaller groups have been raising money among evangelical Christians by presenting the tsunami emergency effort as a rare opportunity to make converts in hard-to- reach areas.

"Normally, Banda Aceh is closed to foreigners and closed to the gospel, but because of this catastrophe, our partners there are earning the right to be heard and providing entrance for the gospel," WorldHelp said in an appeal for funds on its Web site this week.

The appeal said WorldHelp was working with native-born Christians in Indonesia who want to "plant Christian principles as early as possible" in the 300 Muslim children, all younger than 12, who lost their parents in the tsunami.

"These children are homeless, destitute, traumatized, orphaned, with nowhere to go, nowhere to sleep and nothing to eat," it said. "If we can place them in a Christian children's home, their faith in Christ could become the foothold to reach the Aceh people."

The Rev. Vernon Brewer, president of WorldHelp in Forest, Va., said his organization had collected about $70,000 in donations and was seeking to raise an additional $350,000 to build the Christian orphanage.

Brewer said the Indonesian government gave permission for the orphans to be flown to Jakarta last week and was aware that they would be raised as Christians.

"We have no knowledge of this," Foreign Ministry spokesman Marty Natalegawa said Thursday in Jakarta. "If confirmed, this would constitute a serious violation of the standing ban by the Indonesian government on the adoption of Acehnese children affected by the tsunami disaster."

"These are children who are unclaimed or unwanted," Brewer said. "We are not trying to rip them apart from any existing family members and change their culture and change their customs. These children are going to be raised in a Christian environment. That's no guarantee they will choose to be Christians."

Brewer, a Baptist minister, founded WorldHelp in 1991. It has since grown to 100 full-time employees in the United States and helps to support indigenous Christian missionaries in about 50 countries, he said.

WorldHelp's primary partners in Indonesia, Brewer said, are Henry and Roy Lanting, a father-son team who run an orphanage and school near Jakarta.

"First and foremost, our intention is not to evangelize but to show the love of Jesus Christ through our acts of compassion," Brewer said. "We are not using this open window of disaster to move in and set up a beachhead for evangelism. That's not the spirit of what we're trying to accomplish. ... We just want to show the genuineness of our faith. We have no ulterior motive here."

The Rev. Arthur Keys, president of International Relief and Development, a secular aid group that has a U.S. government contract to rebuild the water and sanitation system in Banda Aceh, said he feared overt evangelizing could produce a backlash. "I think there's a danger that all international groups could be tarnished by this," said Keys, an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. "I think we have to go out of our way to assure people that we're there to help, period."

URL: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2005/01/13/MNGATAPKNF1.DTL
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Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2005 08:46 pm
Very stupid, BBB.
But perhaps not the dumbest.

Sheik Ibrahim Muderis, in Palestine:
"We ask God to have mercy with all the Muslims who perished. But don't you think that the wrath of the earth and the wrath of the sea should make us reflect upon ourselves?... When oppresion and corruption rise, the law of equilibrium applies. This is a divine law. If people are negligent on applying the law od God, Allah puts his soldiers in action to take revenge.
"Oppression and corruption caused by America and the Jews are on the rise. Have you heard about those beaches called "tourists paradise"? You may probably have heard about Bangkok. Those are the centers of corruption on earth. There are American and Sionist investments there. Americans and Sionists take Muslims to prostitution there. And next to the tourists' paradise, the natives live hell on earth... Do you want the earth to close her eyes in front of the corruption of the oppressors? Do you want the see to lower it's waves in front of the corruption it sees with it's own eyes? No. Hour Zero has arrived".

Ibrahim Al-Bashar, counselor of the Saudi Justice Minister:

"Anyone who reads the Holy Quran, dictated by the Creator of the World, can seewhy those nations were destroyed. They lied, they sinned and are unfaithful... Some intellectuals, philosophers and journalists -may Allah show them the True Road- say it was nature's wrath. Anyone who is angry must have a brain and a soul. Has the earth a brain and a soul? They talk about the wrath of nature and say it was a crack in the depths of the earth. They link cosmic phenomena. But who broke the earth, cracked it, ordered it to agitate? Who sent the wind? They say we must blame the flux of barometric depressions. Who ordered the flux and the alteration?... In those countries, they abstain from adapting Allah's law, which is a form of heresy. They think man-made laws are superior to Allah-made laws. Don't those countries breed witchcraft, deceit and abomination?"

Fawzan Al-Fawzan, Saudi Sheik, University professor:

"Some of our ancestors said that if there is greed and fornication in a determined village, Allah allows it's destruction. In those turistic enclaves, and specially on Christmas time, sexual perversion and all types of fornication prevail. The fact that the disaster occured in this moment is a sign from Allah. It happened in Christmas, when fornicators and corrupts around the world gather to fornicate and to practice sexual perversions. It is then when the tyragedy striked: hitting them and making it a big sewer in which only the cries of the crows can be heard. It is a big signal, I say, and a big punishment from which all Muslims should learn".

Mohammed Al-Munajjid, Saudi clergyman:

"Christian celebrations come with forbidden things, inmorality, abomination, adultery, alcohol, dance. They party all night challenging Allah... Allah took revenge of those criminals. Why should we help them? Do we want to be like them, with their vacations, their forbidden practices, their heresy?"

All these citations, from the MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) online newsletter -not an anti-Islamic organization.
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Reply Fri 14 Jan, 2005 12:31 am
fbaezer, stupidity apparently knows no bounds.

BTW, I read that your pesky volcanos are acting up again.

BTW again, Dys and Diane are in Florida for a couple of weeks.

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Reply Fri 14 Jan, 2005 12:55 am
Tsunami Orphans Not Being Sent to Christian Home
Tsunami Orphans Not Being Sent to Christian Home
By Alan Cooperman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, January 14, 2005; Page A01

The Virginia-based missionary group WorldHelp has dropped its plans to place 300 Muslim "tsunami orphans" in a Christian children's home, the group's president, the Rev. Vernon Brewer, told news agencies yesterday.

The children were still in the Muslim province of Aceh and had not been airlifted to Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, according to an e-mail under Brewer's name circulating yesterday among his supporters.

In an interview Tuesday for an article published in yesterday's Washington Post, Brewer said that the children already had been airlifted to Jakarta and that the Indonesian government had given permission for them to be placed in a Christian children's home. Brewer did not return calls from The Post yesterday to his home, office and cell phone to address the discrepancy.

In the e-mail, as well as in statements given to Reuters and Agence France-Presse, Brewer said WorldHelp had raised $70,000 to place 50 of the children in a Christian orphanage but had halted its efforts when it learned on Wednesday that the Indonesian government would not allow it.

"Once we became aware that the government had refused to let these children be placed in a Christian home, we immediately stopped all fundraising efforts for the remaining 250 Indonesian orphaned children and appeals were removed from our website," the e-mail said.

The group's plan to raise children from Muslim families in a Christian home struck a nerve in Indonesia, which had regulations in place even before the tsunami requiring orphans to be raised by people of their own religion. This rule was adopted in large part to ensure that Muslim children were not converted.

In response to fears that Acehnese tsunami orphans would be trafficked, the Indonesian Department of Social Affairs adopted a further prohibition on people taking children out of the province. Officials said the only exemptions were for relatives.

Despite these restrictions, radical Muslim activists in Indonesia have warned against the operations of some Christian relief groups, arguing that their ultimate motive is to convert the Acehnese away from Islam, which has long been a part of the province's cultural identity. Though most Indonesians do not share the radicals' extreme agenda, these concerns have resonated among many in the country, who remain suspicious of foreigners and particularly Westerners.

In Brewer's e-mail yesterday, which was forwarded to The Post by a WorldHelp supporter, he said WorldHelp thought it had the Indonesian government's permission for its plans because of a report from the charity's Christian partners in Indonesia, Henry and Roy Lantang.

On Jan. 3, he said, the Lantangs sent WorldHelp, based in Forest, Va., near Lynchburg, a message saying they had "just received news that approximately 300 children under the age of 12 who had become orphans are at the airport in Banda Aceh and Medan waiting to be transported to Jakarta." The Lantangs added that the "rescuers of these children" had issued an open invitation to "any organization or family willing to adopt or take care of" the children.

"It was our understanding that this was done with the permission of the Indonesian government," Brewer's e-mail said. But because of "a huge backlash from the Islamic community in Aceh, the government of Indonesia is now refusing to allow the orphaned children to be placed in any non-Muslim homes," the e-mail said.

Reuters and AFP quoted Brewer as saying WorldHelp learned of the Indonesian government's refusal Wednesday, the day the fundraising appeal was taken off the group's Web site, and the day before The Post's article was published about the group's plans.

Before WorldHelp changed its Web site, it contained an appeal for funds that described the Aceh people as "strict Sunni Muslims" who "have been very instrumental in spreading Islam throughout Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia." Normally, it said, "Banda Aceh is closed to foreigners and closed to the gospel. But, because of this catastrophe, our partners there are earning the right to be heard and providing entrance for the gospel." The fundraising appeal went on to say that WorldHelp was working with Christian partners in Indonesia who want to "plant Christian principles as early as possible" in the 300 Muslim children.

"These children are homeless, destitute, traumatized, orphaned, with nowhere to go, nowhere to sleep and nothing to eat. If we can place them in a Christian children's home, their faith in Christ could become the foothold to reach the Aceh people," it said.

In the message yesterday, Brewer said he makes "no apologies for the fact that World Help is a Christian organization." He said the organization is seeking other orphaned children in need of a home and is making every effort to ensure that all funds raised for tsunami children are used as designated.

"We're really not trying to proselytize," Brewer said in an interview with Reuters. "It's no different than what Mother Teresa did by taking Hindu orphan children and placing them in a Roman Catholic children's home in Calcutta, and she won the Nobel Peace Prize for doing that."

Correspondent Alan Sipress contributed to this report from Jakarta.
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