Easy pickings refers to picking the low hanging fruit on a tree that's ripe. In other words, not much effort is needed.
The phrase "asleep at the switch" goes back to train engineers. A train has to switch tracks at times to avoid colliding with other trains. In the past, this had to be done manually by someone by them using levers to move the track. If you were not attentive, "asleep at the switch" you would cause the train to crash into another.
Same with asleep at the wheel (of a car). If you're not attentive, disaster.
I've never noticed the expression "beyond drunk", but it's meaning is clear.
People don't belong to a state, they live in that state.
Yes, people do move around, sometimes from state to state, going far distances sometimes, across the country.
Although this does happen more often than in past decades/centuries. It's not something that the vast majority constantly do. We move when there is a good reason.
Some people move from their state of origin and maintain a close feeling to that state.
Others move to a new place and over time prefer that place.
It's an individual thing, a persons nature. I'm sure no different than people are wherever it is you live.