hi good people.
am a 20 year old university(college) student from the UK, i want to take a break for studying and move to sydney for about 1 year. and i Desperately need your help. I need to know a few things, I am begging you guys for help, I have searched nearly every site but still haven't got the relevant information. Help me and when I arrive your drinks are on me
1.What are the chances of getting a working visa for about max 1 year? And the cost?
2. The chances of getting a good job, enough to pay the rent and leftovers for partying etc, (no office job something fun) if any advise or suggestion on jobs that I can do that pays well please let me know. As I am not a graduate yet, I don't hold a degree as I haven't finished my final year yet but I have a HND, Higher National Diploma, (2nd best thing to a degree)
3.Good area to live. I can't drive so I will be commuting to work, I love walking or cycling, but don't want to live somewhere to far. Some good areas that you can suggest is a good place to live with low rates and somewhere safe and where I can meet new singles, or friends.(not to far from the city as I don't drive). I am looking for 1 bed, studio with own bathroom and kitchen (furnished)
4. Any indications of how much I can earn on average a month? And what kind of amount would be adequate to live off on a monthly basis
Thanking you in advance for your help It really really means a lot to me, as some1 mentioned before there isn't much info for on websites, well not the ones I managed to dig up.
P.S sorry for the long post