Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 08:05 pm
hi good people.

am a 20 year old university(college) student from the UK, i want to take a break for studying and move to sydney for about 1 year. and i Desperately need your help. I need to know a few things, I am begging you guys for help, I have searched nearly every site but still haven't got the relevant information. Help me and when I arrive your drinks are on me

1.What are the chances of getting a working visa for about max 1 year? And the cost?

2. The chances of getting a good job, enough to pay the rent and leftovers for partying etc, (no office job something fun) if any advise or suggestion on jobs that I can do that pays well please let me know. As I am not a graduate yet, I don't hold a degree as I haven't finished my final year yet but I have a HND, Higher National Diploma, (2nd best thing to a degree)

3.Good area to live. I can't drive so I will be commuting to work, I love walking or cycling, but don't want to live somewhere to far. Some good areas that you can suggest is a good place to live with low rates and somewhere safe and where I can meet new singles, or friends.(not to far from the city as I don't drive). I am looking for 1 bed, studio with own bathroom and kitchen (furnished)

4. Any indications of how much I can earn on average a month? And what kind of amount would be adequate to live off on a monthly basis

Thanking you in advance for your help It really really means a lot to me, as some1 mentioned before there isn't much info for on websites, well not the ones I managed to dig up.

P.S sorry for the long post Very Happy
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,358 • Replies: 13
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Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 08:08 pm
This is so weird. I'm not from Oz, but I found this link this afternoon while looking for something else. Maybe it will help you. http://www.movetooz.org/
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Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 08:43 pm
My God, man! From the title, I thought you had just come in contact with on of those instantly deadly spiders, snakes, crocodiles, and whatever they've always got lurking around.
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Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 11:50 am
the title?
oh yea sorry about the title, i was jus so frustrated about everythin, being up so late in the night looking for information.

anyway, well that site ive been on it, but didnt find it helpful, (thanx a million tho Smile )

if some1 does live in sydney, if you could please just answers my question, it would help alot and save my hours and hours looking for vital information.

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Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 06:58 pm
There are plently of Aussies on this site. You might want to ask the question again with a more direct title.
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Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 07:33 pm
Funny title...

Hi iky101. Welcome to A2K.

1. You can get a "backpackers" visa which allows you to stay for 1 year and allows you to work in any temporary or casual job as long as you don't work in the same place for more than 3 months. The cost is bugger all. I think there's a $20 application fee but that's about it.

2. Most backpackers seem to end up in the hospitality industry. Wait staff, bar staff, that sort of thing. The chances are dependent on your skills. Sydney can be an expensive place to live but if you are willing to live the "backpacker lifestyle" then you should be able to get by.

3. I don't know you but I would suggest possibly the northern beaches area, Bondi (cliched in the extreme, there's more bloody backpackers there than almost anything else), or the inner west. Furnished studio appartments are not overly common.

4. The minimum wage in Australia is about $430 a week for 38 hours. Casual rates are usually higher than that. How much you need to live depends on how you plan on living. You can get a 4 litre cask of cheap wine for $8.....or an entree at a harbour restaurant can set you back $50......
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Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2005 06:00 pm
hey cheers pal, thanx for the help.

another thing i have seen a appartment in darling harbour with amazing views fully furnished for about $250 is this reasonable if i will be earning say around $500 a month?

will the $250 dollars left be enough to cover the rest of the months expense, as i am not to keen on sharing. and also whats the laws in australia for driving a scooter?

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Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2005 07:33 pm
There is some confusion. $250 would be a week not a month. Even then that is very cheap for what you describe.

By scooter I assume you mean a "step through" style motorcycle? If that's the case then you need a licence to ride one. If you have the basic skills needed the learners permit is easy to get and it allows you to ride any bike up to a certain power output.

But seriously, check the numbers on that rental.
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Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2005 07:53 pm
hey adrian, sorry to confuse you Sad yes ur right it is per week, just a typo error.

well u think $250 should be enough to live of, if my rent will be $250? will be cooking at home, but do alot of travelling. hey and also how are the women there i mean are they very conservative? (are not fond of minglin with strangers? or will be easy to make new friends?)

and thanx alot for your help man. CANT WAIT TO CUM TO AUSSIE.

p.s is darling harbour and bondi beach walking distance? and also any good estate agents you may know of in central sydney for furnished appartment lettings.

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Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2005 08:07 pm
$250 is more than I spend on myself in an average week but I don't do a lot of partying. Women in Australia don't really conform to a singular stereotype. The type of people you meet will depend on where you hang and there are no shortage of options.

About Bondi, are you asking whether the beach is walking distance from Darling Harbour? If so then no....well yes, but it's a bloody long walk. Better off catching a bus.

Can't really help re. estate agents. I've always thought the property is a lot more important than the agent.
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swallowed by the cracks
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2005 08:20 pm
Good answers Adrian. You should be on wages from the tourism authority.
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Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2005 08:52 pm
You wouldn't be offering me a job would you. Razz

Welcome to A2K.
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 08:21 pm
May I suggest you use the Thorntree site on Lonelyplanet.com

These questions are often canvassed there and it attracts a wider audience than Adrian (and belatedly me).

You need to apply for a working visa before you leave your home country, and, as Adrian says, you can only work 3 months in any one job.

Share accommodation is the most popular way to live for students/travellers on working visas. There are a squillion share accommodation places in the Bondi area, and they are a bus ride from the city. Have a look at domain.com.au. I would be very cautious about paying half my income, before tax, on an apartment.
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 10:07 pm
Lonely Planet is online, too.
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