Bi-Polar Bear wrote:free duck are you SURE you want your child to become a musician?

Well, he's handsome so he'll get the chicks anyway. I'll just have to make sure his dad has 'the talk' with him a little early.
You're gonna teach him to play a fish?

uh, no. I was talking about the 'don't put condoms in your wallet because they get holes' talk.
So, time for an update. We gave him the guitar for his birthday and he loved it. I've never seen his eyes so big. Luckily, it came with a pitch pipe and I was able to tune it to the best of my ability. He's very cautious with it. He 'played' for us at his party and made up a song about his sister. It went something like 'my sister ____ , she's always bugging me, and she tries to take my guitar, and she breaks my stuff...'
I have a book coming so we can try to learn some basics. After that it's lessons. I'm just so psyched at how happy he was to get it and how he gets it out every night and gently plucks the strings.
I'm also very glad that I got the acoustic guitar and not the classical. He can just barely get his hand around the neck the way it is, and it came with picks so his fingers are spared for now. Thanks for all the input folks, it is very much appreciated.
What a great've got a post modern punker there. When you're ready for piercing and tattoo advice, pm me.
Back again. I have more questions and I might be duplicating the new to guitar thread, but here goes. I bought a book called Children's guitar method -- it comes with a dvd that my kids both enjoy watching and trying to imitate. My question, in the book they talk about putting your finger behind a fret while tuning the guitar. Is the fret the actual line on the neck, or the space in between? Please don't laugh at me, I really know nothing.
Which brings me to the next question, and after this I will just join the other thread. What kind of guitar do you recommend for beginner adults? My husband and I were thinking we'd like to try it too.
The fret is the raised sliver of metal that determines the pitch of the notes. Proper finger placement BEHIND the fret is important for a clean, non-buzzing sound.
I'll let someone else discuss the best guitar for an adult to start on.
So, behind means to the right or to the left?
Only a woman would ask
if the tuning pegs are to the left?'s to the left.
Whew. Ok, that means I did it right. Thanks, p.