I once put it in the wrong slot by mistake and a couple of other times on purpose, but wait, this is about computer access.,,,,,
Mrs. Nation and I had both MSN and AOL about six years ago. It took nine
phone calls to get AOL off our system. "Why," I asked in my most creamy voice, "does it take a phone call to cancel this service? Isn't AOL internet savvy enough to provide a cancellation link?" The operator apparently didn't have that question on her set of cards and we were allowed to go.
For a long time we used a dial-up and MSN.
Then we tried Verison DSL
Don't ask. Once, when the system was down (again), we were told that 'sometimes computers have to rest." I told you not to ask.
We went cable through Time Warner Roadrunner, use both Yahoo and Outlook for mail as well as MSN Hotmail (still free). We have no land lines in the house, we use our cell phones. That was three or four years ago and, except for one outage of about five days, there have been no problems. (We got a credit for a month for that incident.) Cost is about forty bucks a month including access to Mrs. Nation's webpage for her custom jewelry.
We happy.
Shewolf will just have to keep poking around to find the right set for her and I'm still talking about computer access.
Joe (Well, alright then, how about this way?) Nation