Wed 5 Jan, 2005 02:06 pm
I have been on a-o-hell for a few months now. This program really bites the big one. I am switching to another isp and I am not sure how well this will go. OR if i want to afford another one. Time will tell.
So in a few is hasta-la-bye bye for the local velcro witch.
I may keep an email address?? aaahhh.. who knows. Aol , as usual has spoiled my internet experience. we will see.
What does AOL have to do with A2K?
Can't you get a cable or DSL connection? it can't be much more than the $30.00 a month you pay for AOL?
Friends don't let friends AOL.
What the hell?!! You can't leave, shewolfnm!
Yeah, suck it up, get a new internet provider and stay. I'm also not sure what AOL and A2K have to do with one another.
aol IS my internet access, no aol = no internet = no a2k.
im not paying for it, at least not for a while but i cant justify the 25 or so dollars a month for this service. aol is well just crap. I dont know who else to use for internet service?????
There are several for like $9.99 per month, Net Zero comes to mind.
Outlook Express is the e-mail program for you don't need an IP for it...or if you want, use fact you can use Yahoo for IM too...AOL is the biggest ripoff...they dominate through fear and ignorance.
I'm sure the folks here can help you find someone shewolf. I can't be of much help as I'm in Canada.
panzade wrote:Outlook Express is the e-mail program for you don't need an IP for it...or if you want, use fact you can use Yahoo for IM too...AOL is the biggest ripoff...they dominate through fear and ignorance.
yahoo has thier own service?
Im not following.....?
outlook express only works whenyou HAVE access to the internet . it doesnt have its own dial up service?
Yeah...netzero...etc...don't fret pointer sister, we'll get you up and running in no time.
shewolf, post a Q in the Internet Forum.
folks there will help you out... whatever u do, don't leave!
We realize you need a low cost ISP the way you go through bras....literally.
Screw AOL. You can get NetZero High Speed for under $15/month. It's not DSL, but it is considerably faster than regular dialup.
Damn sponsored link anyway. Ignore that.
shewolf, I use Everyones Internet. ( ) They're based in Texas, and it costs $10.83 per month. I haven't had any problems with them at all.
hmm.. thanks for the tips.
i think i have some work to do. ;-)
Check with you local telephone company--I'm sure their service is better than AOL and the price is comperable.
good riddance I say, you never even offered to keep my beer cold! witches tits my ass!