A bit of explanation might be required for this one, for those of you who aren't Australians. John Howard (our prime minister) makes it a point to NEVER apologize for anything! He's not sorry about the "
stolen generation"Aborigines who were forcibly removed from their families by the state), he's not sorry
no WMDs in Iraq & that he sent Australians there under a pretext, he's not saying sorry to
Mahmoud Habib - recently released un-prosecuted from Guantanamo Bay after 3 years & he's not saying sorry to
Cornelia Rau a mentally ill Australian who was wrongly held in a detention centre for 10 months, on the mistaken assumption that she was an "illegal migrant" .... Nah, he's not saying sorry to ANYONE. ..... Anyway, that's him sinking into the slime ...