Sat 30 Mar, 2013 08:42 pm
I have these two burning desires: Creation and exploration. My question is: Why would God make me with the desire to create my own universes and live in a different world or time when both are clearly impossible?! I also want to know what you think of this: I'm not sure if I want to go to Heaven because it sounds, well, boring compared to the exciting life I wish I had. I'd be glad to try to answer anyone elses questions as well. Just please post a comment!
If you are reading this post a comment! Anything at all.
Which of the thousands of Gods that humanity believes in are you referring to?
I only believe in the god described in the bible
Bliujay wrote:I only believe in the god described in the bible
Ok. Then the answer to your question is that God didn't make you do or feel anything. Everything you feel and desire comes from you yourself and nowhere else. And you shouldn't worry about what you may get after you die because you have no control over that, so you might as well make the best of what you've got right here right now.