1, 4 7
2, 5 8
3, 6 9
Let's look at Pi:
It starts at... 3, bottom-left.
1 4 1, top-left corner, mid-top.
5, 9, 2, mid-section, bottom-right, mid-left.
6, 5, 3, mid-bottom, mid-section, bottom-left.
5, 9, mid-section, bottom-right.
Let's look at 5, 9, 2 & 6, 5 3.
9, 1, 3, 1, 1, 7, 9, 4, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9.
That's a lot of 7's and 9's.
What intrigues me most, is the 1, 3, 1 , 1 and 4.
1, 4 7
2, 5 8
3, 6 9
9, bottom-right.
1, top-left.
3, bottom-left.
7, top-right.
(do you see what I see?)
The first four (different) numbers are in a X shape! In diagonal order: Bottom-right > Top-left; Bottom-left > Top-right.
9 is practically next to 1, so think of the sequence as "1 1, 3, 1 1". It's the "212121" sequence! Hell, it may even be a new sequence: "313131". The advanced version of "212121". Who knows, maybe "212121" is for fundamental design and "313131" is for physical design. Just think about it! The numbers I worked with had 1 6 3 1 6. This formula I have now has: five 9's (that's why 1 + 3 + 1 = 5; 1 + 4 = 5 in the formula), 3 7's (that's why there is a 3 in the formula) 3 1's (I see a lot of 3's and 1's in a 3'd group within the Universe's mathematical design ( I am not surprised, just look at the golden ratio again:

Notice how I mapped out the mathematical agents of this Universe's mathematical design: 3, 7 9. Look at this:
1, 4 7
2, 5 8
3, 6 9.
In order, it's Bottom-left > Top-right > Bottom-right (Want to see me blow your mind? Watch this! The golden ratio loves 3's and 1's. The number that is preventing me from creating the Golden Ratio, is the 7. Change the 7 to a 1. You have the Golden Ratio! (i.e I now have 3, 1 9. That's Bottom-left > Top-left > Bottom-right. That's the Golden Ratio. Interesintly enough, 3 + 1 + 9 = 14. Pi is 3.14.) Keep in mind; the 7 is also in the same collumn as the 1. It's also on opposite sides of the row. The order of my numbers fit the (212121) sequence, which requires you to use 2 numbers from one collumn and 1 number from another collumn. For an example, let's go back to what I said about the rainbow: The rainbow has 7 different colors; 5 different frequencies to those colors and it operates on a dual system of (-) and (+) (i.e 2). Two of those numbers are in one collumn; one of those numbers are in a different collumn. (212121)! 7 + 5 + 2 = 9! Or with my formula: 7 + 3 = 1. 1 + 2 = 3. 3 (squared) is 9!
This Universe's mathematical design is profound...
45 + 21 (2-1 = 1(f)) + 3 = 69.
Let's try 31.
45 + 31 (3-1 = 2(f)) + 3 = 79.
Let's try 41 (1 off from 42).
45 + 41 (4-1 = 3(f)) + 3 = 89.
Fibonacci Sequence: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 (89)...
Watch this:
45(squared) is 40 x 40 = 1,600; 5x5 = 425. Thus 2025.
41(squared) is 40 x 40 = 1,600; 40 + 40 + 1 = 81. Thus 1,681.
3(squared) is 3 x 3 = 9.
~ Now Let's Apply My Math Formula To These Number's Sums (i.e 1~9) ~
2 + 2 + 5 = 9
(alt. 2 + 2 = 4
4 + 5 = (9)) (oh look, no numbers went over 9, so my formula suddenly doesn't work.)
1 + 6 + 8 + 1 = 7
(alt. 1 + 6 = 7
7 + 8 = 6
6 + 1 = (7))
9 = (9)
(no formula here, it's just a 9 guys.)
That brings us to 9, 7 9.
What was Pi consisted of again? Oh yeah, 9's and 7's!
*bows* Thank you! Thank you!
/WHEN 4X4 EQUALS 16, NOT 12\ -
1, 4 7
2, 5 8
3, 6 9
Let's look at Pi:
It starts at... 3, bottom-left.
1 4 1, top-left corner, mid-top.
5, 9, 2, mid-section, bottom-right, mid-left.
6, 5, 3, mid-bottom, mid-section, bottom-left.
5, 9, mid-section, bottom-right.
4x4=16 (not 12...)
9, 1, 7, 1, 1, 7, 9, 4, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9.
That's a lot of 7's and 9's.
What intrigues me most, is the 1, 7, 1 , 1 and 4. (7/7)
1, 4 7
2, 5 8
3, 6 9
9, bottom-right.
1, top-left.
7, top-right.
(do you see what I see?)
The first three (3) (different) numbers are in a triangle shape! In diagonal order: Bottom-right > Top-left > Top-right.
9 is practically next to 1, so think of the sequence as "1 1, 7, 1 1". It's the "212121" sequence! Hell, it may even be a new sequence: "313131". The advanced version of "212121 (3's)". Who knows, maybe "212121" is for fundamental design and "313131 (7's)" is for physical design. Just think about it! The numbers I worked with had 1 6 3 1 6 (9's). This formula I have now has: five 9's (that's why 1 + 3 + 1 = 5; 1 + 4 = 5 in the formula), four 7's (that's why there is a 4 in the formula) 3 1's (I see a lot of 3's and 1's in a 3'd group within the Universe's mathematical design ( I am not surprised, just look at the golden ratio again:

). See the angle and the triangle I created with the numbers?
Notice how I mapped out the mathematical agents of this Universe's mathematical design: 3, 7 9. Look at this:
1, 4 7
2, 5 8
3, 6 9.
In order, it's Bottom-left > Top-right > Bottom-right (Want to see me blow your mind? Watch this! The golden ratio loves 3's and 1's. The number that is preventing me from creating the Golden Ratio, is the 7. Change the 7 to a 1. You have the Golden Ratio! (i.e I now have 3, 1 9. That's Bottom-left > Top-left > Bottom-right. That's the Golden Ratio. Interestingly enough, 3 + 1 + 9 = 14. Pi is 3.14.) Keep in mind; the 7 is also in the same column as the 1. It's also on opposite sides of the row. The order of my numbers fit the (212121) sequence, which requires you to use 2 numbers from one column and 1 number from another column. For an example, let's go back to what I said about the rainbow: The rainbow has 7 different colors; 5 different frequencies to those colors and it operates on a dual system of (-) and (+) (i.e 2). Two of those numbers are in one column; one of those numbers are in a different column. (212121)! 7 + 5 + 2 = 9! Or with my formula: 7 + 3 = 1. 1 + 2 = 3.
3 (squared) is 9! 9 is 5 away from 14. 9 x 5 = 45. 45 - 3 = (42 - The Answer To Life):
This Universe's mathematical design is profound...
~In Summary - This Is What I Discovered About The Universe~
A. In this graph:

I found
1 6 3 6 1 (9's).
B. In Pi:

I found:
3 1 3 1 3 (7's)
C. The Golden Ratio's Design (I still have to do the formula):

I found:
2 1 2 1 2 (3's)
9's, 7's and 3's.
Now let's go back to the "9 is practically next to 1..." paragraph. We return to the five 9's; four 7's and three 1's from this formula:
9, 1, 7, 1, 1, 7, 9, 4, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9 after I squared the numbers of Pi's fundamental numbers that work for mathematicians: 3.14159265359 that I fundamentally reverse-engineered from the Universe's Mathematical Design:
45 + 28 (2+8 = 1(f)) + 3 = 76.
Let's try 38.
45 + 38 (3+8 = 2(f)) + 3 = 86.
Let's try 48.
45 + 48 (4+8 = 3(f)) + 3 = 96 (In my previous error'd post, wherein I said 4x4 = 12, you will notice some interesting side effects when you compare that post to this correct post - like in this one, the end result is 96; in my 4x4 = 12 post, the beginning result is 69).
9 - 6 = 3
3, 6 9.
(1, 4 7
2, 5 8 ).
Watch this:
45(squared) is 40 x 40 = 1,600; 5x5 = 425. Thus 2025.
38(squared) is 38 x 38 = 900; 8x8 (8x8=64. 8+8=16. 16 goes into 64 four times. 3x3 = 9. 9 x 64 = 576. Half of 8 = 4. 4x8 = 32. 576 - 32 = 544. 900 + 544... Thus 1,444.
3(squared) is 3 x 3 = 9.
~ Now Let's Apply My Math Formula To These Number's Sums (i.e 1~9) ~
1 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 13; 1 + 3 = 4
(alt. 1 + 4 = 5
5 + 4 = 9
9 + 4 = (4))
1 + 6 + 8 + 1 = 7
(alt. 1 + 6 = 7
7 + 8 = 6
6 + 1 = (7))
9 = (9)
(no formula here, it's just a 9 guys.)
That brings us to 4, 7 9.
What was Pi consisted of again? Oh yeah, 9's and 7's and that 4!
*bows* Thank you! Thank you!
Edit: I fixed my 4x4 error. I said 12, instead of 16. Now you get to see what happens when I change numbers for yourself. It makes for an interesting reference system to better understand what happens to the Universe's mathematical design when you alter a single number.
- End -
- A Response To Someone To Demonstrate What Happens When I Use People To Stimulate Ideas -
Arcturus Descending wrote:
So the "I" can be found in a book? The "I" to you is "fact"?
Or are you speaking about how the brain gathers and interprets information/the world?
The I is Information, so yes; "you" are the world within itself as the world is itself within "you".
Quote:No, the universe is to me actually more a "thou". Though it can be experienced as a "we" or even an "I" myself - as an experience.
When you cause a crowd of people to break apart, they break apart like gas molecules. It's a subatomic chain reaction on a macro scale - there is no "us" - there can only be "Universe".
Quote:I think I would compare us more to the fishies in the sea or the ocean. As "I"s we are multitudinous and legion.
Research Riemann's Hypothesis. It is a mystery to the greatest of minds to this day. I figured out the meaning philosophically, not mathematically. The formula represents this Universe's mathematical properties on both, its reality and its "sub-reality", a.k.a "the imagination". The formula demonstrates how ghost numbers in fractions can lead up to the same sum as real numbers used in science. Meaning that imagination is based on mathematical perfection as well.
Quote:That's Psychology 101, don't you think? But I wonder, who can they control other than those who have no control or very little or are uncertain!
It's the small ideas that lead to the grand ideas.
Quote:[/color]Could subatomic be another expression for subconscious?
We can only hope.
Our "human experience" is animated by the "subatomic experience".
Everything you see outside of this planet is the "super-atomic experience".
Quote:But we humans have the capacity to backpedal or to recede ebb like the ocean. We mimic the ocean in ways. Water...
Our brains are born and behave likened to how the Universe was born and how it behaves. (i.e dark matter is to the Universe as ignorance is to Us).
Quote:You may have a point there, insofar as human beings go. But let's face it, some animals / birds, do need to be caged, don't they? Well, personally I see nothing wrong with letting everything run free - but within its own backyard. I don't want any bears or lions or wolves (well, maybe I'd love a wolf, the real wolf I mean in my backyward).
The Universe's greatest creations have space from its other creations, great or not. Learn from this Universe's design - become it and you will become god.
Quote:Are you getting down to quarks here? Is that the word?
Of course I am. Quarks represent how some people are simply random with no mathematical design to their character and others do.
Quote:You mean according to what people think it is. It's also based on what we think and who we think we are. But in a sense, what we've learned can also become a part of who we are as a process.
All that we are - is, was and will be.
Quote:Our concrete "I"s are also based on what we want to be.
There is no concrete "I". Any wise man or genius will tell you that much. I also can mathematically break down the Universe for you and explain to you why we are "identityless entities".
Quote:But the subconscious does try to point that out to us in bits and pieces, trying to give us a glimmer or a hint of the "I". I don't think we answer the question of "Who AM I" as much as we do "Who Am I becoming ad infinitum".
All thought to be established comprehension of self are all thought incorrectly.
The "self" is not "one" - the "self" is "all in one".
There cannot be a "identity" in what has no "contrast", for it "is".
Quote:I'm not a genius, I don't know. I was once told by a shadow figure, a voice in a dream, to "follow the roots of that tree (over there) and you will come to the crystal cave. After a few more ongoing dreams of the same dream, I found that crystal cave. What a great disappointment it was to me. Not knowing what to expect but I suppose I expected something wonderful but I didn't get any more than what is seen in the typical world - buying and selling, nothing but a typical materialistic capitalist world.
Perhaps you expect too much from the dream, like a child expects too much from art.
Quote:The "I" IS consciousness flowing.
The I is like a hurricane ( a tornado made of water).
In the center we have "peace"; outside of that center we have "chaos".
Our Solar System is the same way.
We are the same way.
All is connected to the "eternal eye".
Quote:Maybe I'm not understanding you here. But we know that without water, there would be no life, at least not as we know it here on Earth.
You're not saying that consciousness produces life - life comes first and then comes consciousness (hopefully).
In what way does serotonin create humanity - unless you're simply saying that serotonin being part of the brain, is part of being human. I don't know.
On the other side of that coin, serotonin - too much or too little of it, can destroy humanity, also make us less human. Just a thought.
Consciousness emerged from the Universe's subconscious. Of course consciousness did not create life - The Universe's fundamental properties created life.
Quote:Well, that I didn't know and I still don't know. Is the brain really made of 99% water?
Scientific fact.
- **** Ass Damn **** **** Dick -
Do I have to break down why saying "dirty" words is a part of life? Fine.
The words ****, ****, ass, dick, pussy, damn, **** and so on are healthy for us because of these things:
On a super-atomic scale:
The positive ions and the negative ions
do not determine your intelligence. There are geniuses that have spoken a very dirty language; in those words, they cleaned up this world with greatness. These people that spoke the "dirty language" did far more than the people that speak the "clean language". Here's the science behind it.
When you speak dirty, you are speaking a mix of both: clean and dirty. You are honest with both sides of your character and are freely communicating your positive/negative impulses.
When you speak clean, you are speaking only one side of life's two dualistic subatomic particles, which makes you "half of a person". There is a 100% scientific factor behind this that tells me that anyone who is 100% positive, is indeed 100% nothing. Two negatives equal a positive - it's the chaos and the dirty parts of the world that transcends into the peace and the distinctive parts of the world. If there weren't any negatives, there wouldn't be any positives. Thus, scientifically speaking, living the "positive life" is a
logical fallacy.
That is why, in my personal sex life, I am very feral, but at the same time, I am very loyal. A mix between Man and Beast; Positive and Negative.
That is why during sex, you dump out your negatives to create one great positive.
These "dirty words" are more important to our lifestyles than "positive people" give them credit for. It's the "positive people" that lose their patience faster than the "negative people". It's not okay to be 100% negative/positive, but it's okay to be both.
Let your inner electrons out! **** the positive people - they do nothing positive - they are the definition of "life created from negative particles". We are their overlords! **** their damn complaints. They are dicks and pussies that cannot handle higher decibels of sound. They tremble at the sound of ferocity and power! Let them know who's boss! They are just cunts full of **** who cannot give life because they are, well, full of ****!
- Explaining Life On Simple Terms -
My formula:
9, 1, 7, 1, 1, 7, 9, 4, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9
is based on squaring the fundamental numbers of Pi,
then adding the numbers with my 1~9 formula (no numbers exceed 10, but restart at 1; I even show how it works throughout my project by getting the same number in an unconventional way).
I got another formula from three different Universal Designs: The Fibonacci Sequence; Pi & The Golden Ratio.
1 6 3 1 3 (9's) (Got it from Fibonacci's Sequence)
3 1 3 1 3 (7's) (Got it from Pi)
2 1 2 1 2 (3's) (got it from Golden Ratio)
These formulas are separated between 3 entirely different mathematical systems of the Universe.
The first formula consists of 9's, 7's and 3's.
The three formulas I have from the three different Universal Designs consist of what numbers?
9's, 7's and 3's.
All my math checks out.
All my formulas check out.
All my connections have been confirmed.
(that's ignoring the parts where I recreate the Golden Ratio and The Answer to Life (42). All with numbers based on those formulas that connect with the entire Universe's Mathematical Complex.
More Explanation... -
Can you deny my recreation of "The Golden Ratio"?
Based on these formulas: 1 6 3 1 3 (9's) (Got it from Fibonacci's Sequence)
3 1 3 1 3 (7's) (Got it from Pi)
2 1 2 1 2 (3's) (got it from Golden Ratio)
And this formula: 9, 1, 7, 1, 1, 7, 9, 4, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9
I now have 3, 7 9. Let's look at the "Magic Square".
( ) = Golden Ratio
{ } = Almost Golden Ratio
(1), 4 {7}
2, 5 8
{(3)}, 6 {(9)}.
1, 4 7
2, 5 8
3, 6 9.
The Golden Ratio looks like this: 
Using the 3, 7 and 9, on the "Magic Square", you get Bottom-left, top-right and bottom-right. The Golden Ratio is close, but it's Bottom-left, top-left, bottom-right.
So if you want the Golden Ratio, you have to find the formulaic answer to transitioning the 7 into a 1. I have the formula right here: 3 + 1 + 9 = 14. Pi is 3.14.) Half of 14 is 7. Look at these formulas one more time:
3 1 3 1 3 (7's) (Got it from Pi)
2 1 2 1 2 (3's) (got it from Golden Ratio)
The Universe transposed from Pi to the Golden Ratio by reducing itself to 1/3 of its mathematical size when it was Pi.
In order of massive to small mathematical designs: Fibonacci Sequence (9) > Pi (7) > the Golden Ratio (3).