man. you know what i got?
*cries* so close..... i protest xD
hmm rite...@ Lennyfan, so my answer of 2360 wasn't rite? yea...
the new lenny connudrum
1. Who searches all over Sakhmet for the best deals on hard to find Battledome items?
2. She is the only faerie who has witnessed Jhudora performing an act so evil that it could cause her to be expelled from the realm of faeries.
3. Supposedly, if your pet bites through the centre of one of these, they could find a thick, juicy worm inside.
4. What is the perfect way of telling your opponents, "Here's mud in your eye!"
5. He one day hopes to be cool enough to hang out with the rest of "the big guys."
6. What is the most dazzling armour in the Krawk Island Museum of history?
7. If you beat him, it's because of the masterful tips that he gave you.
8. His occupation is appeasing the Esophagor, mostly at night.
9. Where is every Petpet hand-raised by Nanci, along with any assistants who are willing to help out?
Now, take the first letter to each answer to the above questions and unscramble them for this week's Lenny Conundrum answer.
answer: Daily Dare
I love Owl City.. :d
And guess what, vat-k-nguyen or something!! YOU SUCK!! ANSWER BLURTER!!!
you should wait before you give out the answers
really it's not polite
sorry i didn't know.........i thought everyone could already see it, i could.
lol.. nyah.. Well, you can if poeple don't vote it down, but if it is voted down, a lot, you can't. and eventually, it will be voted down enough..
okay i'll know for the future.
i guess i'll have to watch my postings
I FINALLY WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
even if it is only third place
If you're having issues, make sure you go through and make sure each of your answers are correct. (just don't over think it, and they are ALL in the neopedia)
As for anagram sites, they didn't have the answer for me either, but one of the answers they gave was close enough to remind me of a phrase that ended up being the answer. Checked it out, it would work, IF I changed one of my answers back to my first guess. ( I over thought one of the questions)
Oh and btw, Advanced Google search is your friend. took like 10mins to find all the answers.
i don't like google.. lol, i just searched through the Neopedia. Searching the stuff about the Big Guys came up with all these weird stuff...
Yeah I did that for like.. an hour... and well the Neopedia only lets you search the titles. Which.. if you knew the titles, you'd have the answers already!
uh-huh.. GOOGLE IS FOR.... Well, I don't know...
uggg got it right, but not fast enough. No pretty negg for me. T.T
same here, Acorna. had a feeling that would happen. i was on my way home when it came out, so i was slow submitting my answer.
first time in quite a while i didn't make first 250. =( oh well.
the waiting begins.... <wonders if he shouldn't just go home now>
So what is the answer? Lol xD
That's wayyyyy to complicated lol....
Here are each of the answers to the questions, all of which can be found in the Neopedia.
1. Remnok the Nomad
2. Illusen
3. Dirt Pies
4. Dung Catapult
5. Little Timmy
6. Emerald Krawk Battle Set
7. Aristotle A. Avinroo
8. Albert the Kacheek
9. Ye Olde Petpets
i wish you could work ahead on the Daily Dare .... but then i guess it wouldn't be Daily, would it? <sigh.>
aww no new riddle yet

looks like I'll just have to go to bed and hope tomorrow morning I'll still be in time to make top-250