so make a word outta the blue bits?
it's the name of a neopet.....
Try looking from a different perspective
Tudiebug, I submitted Grarrl, want to confirm if I'm right? (PM me

did you get it Starleogirl?
So frustrating!
I've tried all angles and overlapping it but nothing works
Yep, I definitely got this one!
I think I got it, but by now I probably aint in top 250 anymore
paste the picture in paint (or I used paint shop pro), turn it 90 degrees and then play with the dimensions of the pic
like said, the name of a neopet pops up
like said a couple of pages ago one letter comes back 3 times
Didn't know that posts would get deleted for giving away the answer around here?
Saw a post, and then it disappeared. That is a perplexing situation indeed.......
I just got it after submitting a random guess
It's ACARA x]
LOL, my random guess was correct!
90 degrees which way?
as in the blue stuff are on top or bottom?
so I got it thanks to a hint It was [I'm not telling u suckahs for revealing the answer... And what I've seen are wrong.. WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!] [Not]
I think..
right click the image and click save as and then open up paint. click edit and paste from then put the image on.... mess around with it... i figured it out with one move; it isn't that hard!
don't post the direct answer,
lenny conundrums are about finding the answer, not about submitting the right answer
this way you ruin it for other people
the only time i've done that was a wrong answer, which turned out to be the most popular... Do you know how many people see this? if u post it, you are hurting yourself by GETTING lESS NEOPOINTS... I hope i get gold.