Okay, for this week, it would appear that the tiles are not rotated, just moved around, since I can't find any way to rotate them in the interactive display.
Second, there are 71 tiles, which is a prime number, so they don't go in a nice grid. That means they could be in any arrangement.
Or there could be extras which would make it harder to solve.
No extras, I figured out that much. Not sure how I thought there were extra bits.
Does anyone see the words "Plush" and "eats" or is that just my imagination?
I'm gonna print out, and cut out the tiles to try to solve it
Well, that's what the Shockwave thing is for, but whatever's easiest for you =)
Printing might make it harder since you could accidentally rotate a piece.
I saw things like 'meal', 'sea' and 'where' so I just guessed Kelp xD
I think I found the word TOTAL
Well, that's what the Shockwave thing is for, but whatever's easiest for you =)
woops... I finished cutting out everything, but everything's rotated
It's taking me forever to try all the pieces but so far I've gotten the words "plush" and "green".
I think this will end up being like that one round, I can't find the answer in any of the obvious places... =p Mystery Pic, anyone? 9_9
I already did the mystery pic
I give up. I hope some of you guys can make sense out of my progress.
That's, like, WAY too much hint, I think =/ Granted, knowing the question doesn't really help, since I don't see where the answer could possibly be found. Only places I've eliminated are the NC Mall and such that certain players might not be able to access.
_ | "total" | _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "plush" | "green" _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _
sorry had to put the | in as word divider the lines just melted without
these are all good words
Did anyone find the answer? [yes or no will do] The only place I see doesn't have the correct number.
Thanks (Though I still have no idea of what the answer is)