I am guessing that it will be something to do with kauvara - it is her orange and blue rug that is the prize, also the boo thing ...
Perhaps some potion of hers that could make pets lose some weight?
I went with Snorkle Snout. This could keep anyone skinny.
it would be great if you could point out the pattern
I think you're very close.
I already submitted celery but I'm curious if the answer is not celery.
And if it's not

If it is
I highly doubt that celery is the answer. The user who posted that has never contributed to solving the LC before and has only come here to rudely demand the answer and whine about not being given it right away, so I'm guessing they were just trying to lead you off track here.
I submitted an other vegetable xD
But can be,I not sure about the answer.
so you haven't actually solved the pattern?
Ok,I submitted "Leek"
Look the last lettre of each sentence:
why not?
is it a weird coincidence?
hope, home, mural, and oak
take the first letters
makes homo
Ok,sorry =D
Good luck to everybody ^^
the avatars theme is right on. is it going to be an avatar food? then... would popcorn count as a vegetable.
How do u know the avatars theme is right on?
But what av is it referencing with the orange and blue rug?
no it doesn't it makes hhmo... Not homo
Last letter of each sentence can be a pattern, why not?
I also found that the first sentence has a total of 7 o's, second 8 o's, third 7 o's, fourth 8 o's, last one has only 2 o's, is there a food with 5 o's?