Searching for ... History Of The Lost Desert
Shop Owner Amount
in Stock Price
paradisio170 1 15,990 NP
brownspiderfly 1 16,000 NP
carmelita_98674 1 16,800 NP
That's from the SSW. It'll shoot down in price when 250 more are released - *sigh*
Thank you, i lost much time with the Freaky Factory
Thank you, isolex, for sharing your answer. I probably wouldn't have figured it out because that didn't come up in all my "Lost Desert" neopets searches.
Yes. Thank you.. I hat the APril fools Avvies!! It is too hard to see... 9What DID TNT do for April fools?? I see no changes.
if you were on ealier on NST time then you would have realized a COMING SOON: PLANTOPIA.... and people coudn't get to their inventory's the normal way but through the Neopet's Jr. link.
well, if I were on Neopets earlier, I would have had to cut class!
You have an r too little!
I am excited... Man... Sunday aready!
I thought it was if you type that in, then you go to enopets!!
Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 305). You have won 550 NP!
Because you were in the first 250 to guess correctly, you also have been awarded a History Of The Lost Desert, and receive a trophy and the Lenny Conundrum avatar!
Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!
Too late for a trophy upgrade. I'll be around later though!
Standing by for this week's Conundrum.
I was looking to check out your trophy but shredz-cheese isn't your neopets name

what level do you have?
No, it's shredz_cheese but this site don't allow underscores
I have silver
Suppose you have a base-36 number system, so that the digits are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C... By using this system, you can spell all kinds of words with the digits. For example, the base-36 number NEOPETS would equal 50954016592 in the base-10 numbering system.
Find three base-36 numbers that spell different Neopet species:
- The species name, in base-36, that is a prime number
- The species name, in base-36, that has the most prime factors
- The species name, in base-36, whose largest prime factor is the smallest of all of the species' largest prime factors.
Add these three numbers together, and submit the total in base-36 form. Do not submit any other information.
I don't event understand how they spell Neopets.
I'm starting to feel stupid, and I am an University student.
I have no idea. I don't understand this base-whatever system.
somebody on here will understand the system... I sure don't
I haven't a clue what they're talking about. I 'm not even going to attempt this one.
Yeah, hopefully, we'll just have to see...