U know, i never knew TNT made such weird conundrums. Just taking the three A's and getting the meaning. LOL XD
You didn't just submit "AAA" as your answer....right?
No, i submitted the full name.
I submitted the full name, too.
I wonder whether they're expecting punctuation.
I think they were, I put in punctuation
No, if you submitted with a period, your answer is likely to be counted as wrong.
Because there was no period in the anagram, there shouldn't be a period in your answer.
They should have put ROTATE SOON VIA RAIL. With the period, but maybe that will be too easy. I won a Rotawheel, but I,m stuck with silver... Wasn't fast enough
But the second part of AAA's name is "A." which need's a period
sniff... I put a period!! But that is an abbr. & TNT doesn't like people to leave their I's like this i. I think we'll just have to wait...
If you downloaded the Tarla's toolbar, did you know that they added a link to the Daily Dare?
@Aanons Neomail Me,
thank you.. w/o you, we probably wouldn't have gotten over 2000 nps.
A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. A_ _ _ _ _ _
Knowing that the answer is very easy to get I dont want to show it

But the 2nd part of the answer is A.
It needs a period? Right...
It's not about rearraging all the letters and make one word of phrase with that... It's just making words with the letters in there... And since people already gave clues, you probably know what it's about
yes, yes we do.... You make 2 words and errmm.... another letter
i also put in the .
because the name nid a . to be completed
I found it ridiculosely easy... easier, in fact, than games such as 'word poker'. That's the strategy I used.
Oh, well, given the time, I won't get the prizes/trophy anyway. I wish they didn't always put up the LC at the same time, we europeans have almost no chance.
Edit: I put no period. There aren't any periods in the original puzzle. I 've had enough of having the answer and then Neopets saying "no-no" because I put xx,xxx instead as xxxxx
Well,here is a hint, look at the rules to the Lenny Conundrum this week, right above the answer box. Notice it didn't say 'no punctuation' like usual. I always read those little rules.
to: me
Notice it also says to submit only the answer, with no other info.
Oh-oh Im DOOMED!!!