my answer is 48****69 Everyone agree?
***Edit*** Remember, no commas!!
I got the regular answer but I dont understand the coded one (4_ _ _ _ _ _ 9)... Can someone give me a hint?
If you read past posts everyone is saying not to submit the 1_ _ _ _ _ _ 8 answer but to submit the 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 answer. Ive got the 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 answer figured out but I dont understand how to get the 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 answer.
You need to use the code, & transform the 1******8 number into what you would get for the coded answer..
you need to solve the code, use these hints that we gave... 10398206 is what you get when just multiplying the numbers given, it is wrong.
You need to figure out the code and.... well... transform the numbers, multiply, & recode it
it seems like you're the only one who didn't get 1******8, might want to check your substitution again
what? No, i did get it.... My 4******9 answer is coded... I did get the 1******8 answer also
i got 4******9 too ( 8 digit numbah [I like to put numbah instead of number])
Did you know that this is one of the all-time popular topics?
OMG!! Thank you for the 'alphabet' hint!
I already subimited my answer, id just like to know if i got it done correctly, so i wont be posting any answers (or ill try not to) unless someone else has already posted the full number.
10398206 was given as a solution to 8827 * 1178 = ?
Now you have to code that back
Somewhere else someone gave the answer
271 - 482 = 436
is really
342 - 173 = 169
That means that 2 is really a 3, 7 is really a 4, 1 is really a 2 etc.
now if you go through the rest of them using all that information
you will get something like this:
271 - 482 = 436
342 - 173 = 169
148 + 591 = 866
217 + --2 = 799
4881 + 8914 = 6562
1772 + 7-21 = 9-93
8827 * 1178 = ?
7734 2247 = ?
with no way to really solve for the remaining 3 numbers (0,5,9,) with the hints that you guys provided(thanks by the way)
Using one of the 3 solved equations you can solve for 2 of the digits which will tell you the remaining final digit
i ended up getting
Would this answer be correct?
I still don't get how to code 10398206.
I got 2*6*7**9 once coded.
I didn't get that answer..... hmmm....
there is a way to solve for 5 and 8 (there is no 0 in sequence) What about the opposite way, learned in around second grade.. Finding correct 2 numbers to sub.. oh and you don't multiply 8827 and 1178, you need to uncode that first, multiply, then recode..
like i said, you don't multiply the coded dijits, meaning the originals, you need to uncode it