I am new here but been trying to solve this since it came out. I just found this site and you seem nice and helpful. I have like 5 sheets of paper all scribbled on.
One question, in part 3, when it comes to the name. Did you all get a 6-digit answer after multiplying the letter values together? It just seems too large...
the rounds are the numbers you just posted and they just happen to be one digit off of the number in the sequence
Are the LCs that we should look at insinuated in the numbers already given, or are they from random rounds?
Yes, those numbers are correct margitlou. And rounds means that they correspond to rounds of the LC.
cherrysnow, The number I got for part 3 was indeed 6 digits. If you look back through the past 3 or so pages on here you can see more clues where we discussed what that number was exactly and compare to yours.
i Tried to google it... Nothing
hindsight, I'm not sure if I understand your question exactly but I'll try to explain again and see if it helps.
The numbers in the first sequence in this LC all correspond to answers in previous LC rounds but there was something done to those answers to make them equal the ones in the sequence. Once you find what rounds those 4 numbers belong to you can determine the pattern to find the last 2 rounds. Then manipulate the LC answers from those 2 rounds to get the last two numbers in the sequence. Try solving the pattern this way, and if you get really off track I can try answering any more questions.
I am getting a 16 digit number that starts with 6878 and ends with 936... I don't know which part I did wrong. :/
margitlou wrote:
OK enough with the encrypting, lol..
i took (6x2)+3=15
ummm wth with 337?
what numbers are those for??
Try this online calculator, if it is your multiplication
Hmm... I have een reading this forum, so far Im still stuck at the sequence...
Ok, using this, I was able to get the 5th number in the sequence (a 2 digit no.), but however I was unable to get the 6th number in the sequence as the last number doesnt seem to lead to anywhere... am I being led off track for the last number?
I'm sure it's not my calculator, I'm using the one on the computer and it shows all the digits.
hmm.... Maybe you messed up on a number... or maybe.. IT'S EVERYONE ELSE!!!! *Dun.. dun.. DUHHH* Nah! I'm sure that it's not that!!!
i'm not getting the pet name with the numbers--how do you get 16 digits?
before, it was the first one thousand people will recieve a prize
oh nvm... I got the sequence pattern
Just to double check, is the product of the pet has the value of something like this: 2xx1x0? Just want to double check
And the last number, is it a 3 digit number?
you multiply the number for the neopets with all of the other ones
sorry guys!!!! i was working on the 30,000 NP part of the question