The letters are S, P, and Q in that order.
Good luck!
With a heart shaped chocolates as the prize this week, I wonder if the word chocolate(s) is in the question? Chocolate/chocolates both fit the character length of 2 of the words in the question. Idk, just thinking out loud.
Mame wrote:The letters are S, P, and Q in that order.
Good luck!
How exactly does this help us?

Maybe my brain ain't working right now.
You're not alone, friendsforever.
Jen Aside, I saw that too. No common question words fit 'WLTT' though.
Click and drag the middle wheel
That doesn't seem right, though.
Can someone please answer my question? D;
How do you even read these things?
penguinlover22: I'm guessing. xP
I'm thinking but i cant get it
i will not give up
it moves, may help someone
We kind of get that it moves ._.;;;
We just don't know HOW to move it.
And by that I don't mean how to operate the wheel, we mean how to move it so it creates the answer.
Got it! Get rid of the doubles. You'll be a letter short, but you'll have enough to solve it.
Dammit, I feel that you all are just ignoring me.
I dont think we've understood what youve meant.
Mame wrote:Dammit, I feel that you all are just ignoring me.
No just don't understand what you said means
Mame wrote:Dammit, I feel that you all are just ignoring me.
Nobody understood it. o.o