I know this is an offtopic question, but since the next Lenny Conundrum is going to start next thursday I just want to make some conversation 'till then (and this is maybe cause I'm bored too

OK, enough with the introduction, now with the question
How old are u guys? Cause some of the questions need u to know about very advanced math and Fisics... also... what do u do? u work, are u a student? Where are u from? U know... just talk a bit about yourselves...
I'm gonna make an example!
My real name is Alejandro, I'm from Venezuela (for those who dont know it's in the North of South America, (pretty tricky

), my native language is Spanish. I'm 15 years old and I'm still a student, I passed to 4th year (it means I only need 2 more years to graduate, 4th and 5th) and when I get out I want to study Computer Engineering, I know a bit about programing in C++ (only a little tiny bit) I started using photoshop not long ago (about 3 weeks ago) but still I've made some cool pictures... The one I like the most is
THIS ONE (had to resize it, it's size was really big and I couldn't host it, so I't looks better than it appears there. And that's all
Oh! And by the way... my actual nick it's >>LP<<BL!TZ, not ethanxxx...
Now u go people! Let's make this waiting time fun!
P.D.: I haven't read the rules yet... but I dont think we're able to post this kind of things into specific threads... I just want to ask permision to do it this time cause it's not a thread that is in constant action... only on thursdays... Thx to u all